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2 hours ago, brycemira said:

probably will buy this.  Whats the ban rate? i want to use on my main account, is that a bad idea? Also how does auth work if u give me one-im new to this?

Ban rate depends on yourself.
There are no players who will be able to report you as you are 99% of the time in the dream.

I bot like 8-12 hours a day as 24/7 botting is not looking human at all.

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2 hours ago, johnbob12352 said:

Hi the script started to work but then when i stopped it, it all of a sudden goes to my bank and doesn't add the custom amount of potions and then goes to the logout screen and logs out.  It does this everytime i try and run it and even when  I restart the client.


 Any feedback or help with that?

Anything coming up on screen or anything in the logs telling you why its logging out? 

4 hours ago, jurejure said:

how do you update the script or something im not geting any updates 

Have to wait for a dev at accept my updates, currently still waiting last accepted 22nd

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