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Fruity NMZ


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How much do I need to pay to buy your private Zulrah script?


Nothing, its private :kappa:

Hey Fruity, loyal user here! I've recently run into a small problem with the NMZ bot where after switching to g maul to use the power surge buff, it doesn't re-equip my d scim afterward (though it does equip my prayer book); resulting in me kicking mobs for quite some time and wasting xp/prayer pots. I noticed this happening once yesterday and though it may have been just an isolated incident, but I just noticed it happened again today. I don't have a screen shot as it's only happened twice and I just fixed it by stopping and restarting the script (I should've taken a picture :/). I'm not sure if it rectifies itself after the next power surge buff, but it's a recurring problem that severely affect xp/hr on pure accounts who use prayer pots. I will update with a picture the next time this happens. Might be a problem with a newer version of OSbot, not sure though. Just wanted to make this known because I didnt see anyone else reporting this. 


Cheers for report, if anyone else is using d scam can you let me know if you are having the same issue?

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Hey! I just bought this script today and I noticed a problem.When I start in the zone It doesn't take Overload potions even if it is ticked in the settings. When I start the script at the entrance, it only stores the potions (Overload and Absorptions) and withdraws the right amount of Absorption pots but not Overloads. Also can you give me instructions how to start this properly? Thanks!


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When i start the script then this new window pops up. I fill every single thing what i want it to do. Then i press start then this window wont even close and bot runs to bank deposits all my inventory then runs back to entrance and just stands there. Thats it. Help PLOX


want to show me the settings/show me what it says in the log?


Hey! I just bought this script today and I noticed a problem.When I start in the zone It doesn't take Overload potions even if it is ticked in the settings. When I start the script at the entrance, it only stores the potions (Overload and Absorptions) and withdraws the right amount of Absorption pots but not Overloads. Also can you give me instructions how to start this properly? Thanks!


Show me the settings you're using please :)

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At this pic it ran to the bank deposited all pray pots and then ran back to entrance and was chilling there


Is there anything in the log box?



change the rumble the Customiseable rumble hard. as i have noticed you have done monkey madness.

Will check other settings 1 moment



I have a feeling some issues maybe cause on the start button from an error of mine, going to fix when i get home and push an update that would solve that.

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Is there anything in the log box?


change the rumble the Customiseable rumble hard. as i have noticed you have done monkey madness.

Will check other settings 1 moment



I have a feeling some issues maybe cause on the start button from an error of mine, going to fix when i get home and push an update that would solve that.


Oh it works now! Before it only flicks the prayer thingy but now it attacks the npc and drinks overloads. I'll update you when it still has problems later. THANK YOU!!!

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Is there anything in the log box?


change the rumble the Customiseable rumble hard. as i have noticed you have done monkey madness.

Will check other settings 1 moment



I have a feeling some issues maybe cause on the start button from an error of mine, going to fix when i get home and push an update that would solve that.

Hey could i have trial, should be buying it soon. just want to see 2 more things.

Edited by Pizzahat
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