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Fruity NMZ


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may i have a trail?



trail plss


Will add in a mo


Please do not purchase this script until I confirm that he has fixed this broken script.  Do not spend your hard-earned-money.


More info than 'Bot os bork' would be dandy smile.png Screenshots of the settings you chose, mirror mode or not (as no VIP i guess not but ya know) also what does it say in the logger, what does it say on screen?

Edited by FruityBug
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The bot is not broken. It works fine for me, so i think you're doing something wrong.

Seems unfair to just claim the bot is broken.

Nah it's broken, maybe he recently fixed it. I will check up on this for a couple of days and report whether or not the script is good to go, but like I mentioned previously; please do not purchase this script until I confirm script fixed or else you will regret spending 10 dollars.

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Guys does it help if i talk say somethhing or move screen manually while botting ? to low the chance of getting banned ?


i guess it would a lil more like a legit accounts but there will always be the chance of a ban when botting


can i get a trial please smile.png



@FruityBug Can i please have a trial? Wanna see how it works out before buying it. Thanks in advance. Looks really good.


Will add trials

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does the script support using rockcake to keep hp on 1 instead of prayflicking (rockcake deals dmg through absorptions now)?


It doesnt at this moment but i will be adding it very soon when i get a little bit of time :) . Should only really have to remove the absorption check 


Randomly Moving Camera doesnt work ? i cant see screen moving or something ?


Does it randomly between 1-20mins, this was initially added for people who wanted to do AFK Guthans and keep them logged in

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