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Perfect Woodcutter


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Sorry czar but the bot still isn't depositing the logs. It's approaching the deposit box on the dock in port sarim but does not click on it. Again, I'm sure this is a pain but I'm on 0.45 and it's still not working.


How are you making the error happen? I'm testing with a full inventory of maple logs and it's depositing perfectly fine man, I don't know what to say :/ Just tell me how to re-produce the error (or how you made the error happen) and it will be fixed in less than 2 minutes biggrin.png


if i leave my player powerchopping while im gone, i will come back and they wont have an axe to use anymore, a i right in thinking this ia beacause of the axe breaking or something? is there any way to stop this because it doesnt wc for long while im away. 

Thanks, - Jake


Is this deadman mode? If so I will most likely enable the feature that loots the axe from the lumbridge chicken pen (if you lose your axe) biggrin.png

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Hey Czar I was having an issue with banking as well. While cutting oak trees by the East Varrok bank the bot will get a full inventory and run to the bank and it will bring up the bank inventory then immediately close it out. Then it will go to the oak logs as if it is trying to deposit it only to not be able to and then it will try to bring the bank inventory back up and repeat this all over. I do get an error that reads this and im not sure if its in the right order or not but it repeats these three lines over and over when it attempts to bank


/ Couldn't deposit items! Report to Czar 1

near banking, banking!
bank_booth sleep
Am I doing something wrong? I probably am haha
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I am downloading it now and i will let you know how it goes. if it doesnt work i will post the errors that i  see in the next 10ish or so minutes!

Great news!!! Downloading the newer version fixed it! Amazing work by the way although I have had to stay nearby with groups of people cuz everyone always assumes if you are woodcutting you gotta be a bot XD.

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