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Perfect Woodcutter


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Great botting script!!

Sadly, I've come across a minor bug which occurs when yew tree farming in south-east Falador due to rendering distances. Whenever you finish cutting the yew tree furthest east the camera turns and then try's to click on the yew tree to the west of that tree..... However, because you cannot see the yew tree rendered in, it is unable to click on it.... so it hovers there until the yew tree you're standing by respawns, at which point it click on that and continues chopping....

tree.notree_noarea 1004
tree.notree_noarea 10042
Here's the console errors if you wish to see.
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Hey I been using your script for about a week now and seem to be having a problem where the script just stops doing anything while my account stays logged in. This results in my accounts being logged in for multiple hours doing nothing but standing. The bot console reads "tree.notree_noarea 1004". I've tried playing zoomed in but I still get this problem. This problamy mainly occurs when my account logs back in after a break or a dc. Other than that the script is flawless. Please help!

Edited by BotsOnBots
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Czar!!! This script is wonderful. I got it yesterday after reading the comments that clearly recommended it. I ran it for about 6 hours to get to 61 WC and I have to say this script was different from the moment I pushed go. No random camera angles that look stupid (or cause the bot to function incorrectly), different walking paths, quick click response when a tree goes down, ect. I just wanted to tell you that compared to the 5 or so other WC scripts this one was noticeably more fluid than them all. Keep it up!

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