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ConditionalLoop class


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A quick example of a ConditionalLoop class. The API one is great and I suggest you use that one, this is more for learning purposes.

package org.bjornkrols.conditional;

import org.bjornkrols.imported.MilliTimer;

 * @author 		Bjorn Krols (Botre)
 * @version		0.1
 * @since		March 26, 2015

public abstract class ConditionalLoop extends Thread {

	 * This loop's timer (millisecond precision).
	private MilliTimer timer;
	 * The maximum (exclusive) time of looping, in milliseconds, after which the loop will be broken.
	private int timeout;
	public ConditionalLoop(final int timeout) {
	 * A no-argument constructor with a default timeout of 10 seconds.
	public ConditionalLoop() {
	public void run() {
		while (condition()) {
			if (timer.getElapsedMilliSeconds() > timeout) {
			try {
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
	 * @return Whether to continue to loop.
	public abstract boolean condition();
	 * Executes before the loop starts.
	public void preLoop() { 
		timer = new MilliTimer();
	 * The actual loop.
	 * @return The time to sleep for, in milliseconds, after each iteration.
	public abstract int onLoop();
	 * Executes after the loop.
	public void postLoop() { };
	 * Executes when the loop has timed out.
	public void onTimeout() { }
	 * Sets the timeout (in milliseconds).
	 * @param milliseconds The time out (in milliseconds).
	public void setTimeout(int milliseconds) {
		timeout = milliseconds;
Edited by Botre
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