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Khal Blast Furnace


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Hello I noticed sometimes when running mithril bars it will not use my coal bag, its only like once in a few runs though

It will click on the conveyer belt and after that it will re-click the coal bag instead of yes which loses quite some profit per hour I think tongue.png

Been reaching as high up to 900K/hour though! Thnx 
Also did you ever thought about adding an option that would deposit X coal first & then would run ore over and over? What I kinda mean is like example put in 130coal into the belt then do 5runs of mithril as example? Was just thinking about it :p I mean it in a good way, loving the script so far

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Hello I noticed sometimes when running mithril bars it will not use my coal bag, its only like once in a few runs though

It will click on the conveyer belt and after that it will re-click the coal bag instead of yes which loses quite some profit per hour I think tongue.png

Been reaching as high up to 900K/hour though! Thnx 

Also did you ever thought about adding an option that would deposit X coal first & then would run ore over and over? What I kinda mean is like example put in 130coal into the belt then do 5runs of mithril as example? Was just thinking about it tongue.png I mean it in a good way, loving the script so far


That's strange, I'll check out why that happends :)


Ya I thought about it, but if do some calculation you'll see the profit/hour will be almost the same.

It really depends on the world how fast bars are being made :s



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That's strange, I'll check out why that happends smile.png


Ya I thought about it, but if do some calculation you'll see the profit/hour will be almost the same.

It really depends on the world how fast bars are being made :s



Aahn I had no idea the profits would be the same, thanks though :p ! 

About the coal bag, it doesn't seem to happen all the time, but sometimes iff I look closely @ the coal deposited in the furnace I see over 100 Coal deposited which means it sometimes skip a ''ore'' run? Could be on my side that i'm screwing up something though! babysitting atm to see how it goes :p 


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Aahn I had no idea the profits would be the same, thanks though tongue.png

About the coal bag, it doesn't seem to happen all the time, but sometimes iff I look closely @ the coal deposited in the furnace I see over 100 Coal deposited which means it sometimes skip a ''ore'' run? Could be on my side that i'm screwing up something though! babysitting atm to see how it goes tongue.png 



I see what you mean, I'll investigate and see why it skips it ocne in a while.

Could be due some lag or something, I'll keep you up to date :)



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I have been banned after using this script for a day and a half. Any to say about it? I had the Anti-ban checked too.


That happends once in a while since it's a insane moneymaking method which requires almost zero requirements.

Also be carefull with mondays, jagex will always come up with banns from last weekend.



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Hey, i noticed that alot of people using this script, getting banned, so my question is , how mutch time u just can bot straight away with this script ?


Well it's one of the best moneymaking scripts so ofc people get banned :D

In my opinion suicide botting is the best option here :)


Just bot 12-24h straight then clean account, or each 6h whatever you feel safe with.

Bottiing this on fresh accs will most of the times lead in a bann within the week, but if you run this for 6 hours you already got back the costs of a bond, rest is just pure profit.



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Well it's one of the best moneymaking scripts so ofc people get banned biggrin.png

In my opinion suicide botting is the best option here smile.png


Just bot 12-24h straight then clean account, or each 6h whatever you feel safe with.

Bottiing this on fresh accs will most of the times lead in a bann within the week, but if you run this for 6 hours you already got back the costs of a bond, rest is just pure profit.



hmm, the bond is about 2.8m, in 6 houurs u make around 1,8m, so u need to bot more for pure profit. Furthemore, i am using vpn, mayby thats safes me more from getting banned?

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hmm, the bond is about 2.8m, in 6 houurs u make around 1,8m, so u need to bot more for pure profit. Furthemore, i am using vpn, mayby thats safes me more from getting banned?


it will probably help a bit indeed :D

Most guys I know just suicide bot and made like over 500 mill with this script already.

I hope jagex stops watching BF so hard... they ruin the fun ;)

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It's that simple!



Kind regards

Khaleesi QwPha8E.png

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Hey khal, the script is not depositing the bars into bank, it's just stands near the chest and right clicking on the bars 


ya I saw that issue too, seems an issue in the client... going to report it now.



Same issue happends on my crafter script, I've reported this to the devs.

I'll keep you up-to-date.



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