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Recommended proxy provider?


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  On 3/24/2015 at 3:22 PM, Framble said:

The seller is banned on this site. Trade with caution since some of the proxies may be flagged.




Lol. I've bought 20+ proxies from Tiempo and never had a problem with any of them, I'll place my daily RSGP gross on that the kid botted something ridicolously.

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  On 3/24/2015 at 3:14 PM, Malle said:

http://socks5proxies.net/ - I always use them, works well.



Would've bought from Socks5proxy but I'm a big sceptical about the format.

They state that you'll get your proxies via email but they don't ask for an email and take you straight to payment, Instead they ask for forum username, do I have to make a forum account on 'the other botting website' or how does this work? smile.png




@solacepride - what's the point of copying someone else's post without any addition?...


Edited by HeroicRambo
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  On 3/24/2015 at 3:34 PM, HeroicRambo said:




Would've bought from Socks5proxy but I'm a big sceptical about the format.

They state that you'll get your proxies via email but they don't ask for an email and take you straight to payment, Instead they ask for forum username, do I have to make a forum account on 'the other botting website' or how does this work? smile.png




@solacepride - what's the point of copying someone else's post without any addition?...


dont you have an email that you use for paypal?!

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  On 3/24/2015 at 3:34 PM, HeroicRambo said:




Would've bought from Socks5proxy but I'm a big sceptical about the format.

They state that you'll get your proxies via email but they don't ask for an email and take you straight to payment, Instead they ask for forum username, do I have to make a forum account on 'the other botting website' or how does this work? smile.png




@solacepride - what's the point of copying someone else's post without any addition?...


You will get the proxy but beware of flagged ips since the seller is banned on here.

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I have proxies if you need some there fresh although I might be a bit overpriced at $5 they aren't blacklisted and have never been used for games. If your skill looking for 1 just add my skype live:easygoldstop sorry about the price but its worth it. 

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  On 3/24/2015 at 4:04 PM, HeroicRambo said:

Obviously I have an email for paypal but it doesn't have to be my own email. Also because of flagged ips I think I want one that's not botting oriented, any more suggestions?



That's just a rip off, rofl.


Not really socks 5 goes for about $4.99 if I'm not mistaken. 

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  On 3/24/2015 at 3:28 PM, Malle said:

Lol. I've bought 20+ proxies from Tiempo and never had a problem with any of them, I'll place my daily RSGP gross on that the kid botted something ridicolously.

Na i've received flagged proxies, bans at 8 pm on weekdays EST. 


edit; he also promised to replace it, yet never messaged back.

Edited by Offset
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