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Khal Pest Control


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18 hours ago, greiter said:

Could i trial this? I'll likely buy it, but would like to try it first.

Thank you

Enjoy the trial!

3 hours ago, will_of_fire said:

hi, could i get a trial please? trying to decide if this one or other pest control one has lower ban rates.


instead of just getting void, do you think this would be good to use for trianing exp or too high ban rate for that

Enjoy the trial!

16 hours ago, greiter said:

so i bought the script, and im noticing that sometimes trying to board the boat, the mouse doesn't position over the plank properly sometimes and i have to help it.

could see that being a possible ban

Enjoy the trial!

1 hour ago, Kristapp said:

Got banned on 2nd hour of botting,

Wasnt any previous bans or botting on account

Perma banned

Really unlucky i guess

That's sad to hear :/
I still can't figure out why some people last weeks and other get hammered so fast -_-

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On 11/11/2018 at 10:39 PM, 7007 said:

Quite a good script, grinds points very reliably but I do think it could be just a tad smoother. Movement/action could maybe be a bit more human like - running to corners or standing still are a little suspect (it's even crapped out on activity a couple of times). I also watched it get stuck between two gates when players were closing the gates behind them as they ran out so my character sprinted back and fourth and I had to save it. Also the spec weapon functionality isn't the smoothest, pulls out the spec weapon (say DDS) and spent a good while just prodding. I think these things are likely to get reports rather than alert anti-ban, but they're still pretty unsavoury for a bot I like to leave running for long periods of time.

EDIT: Just to add to this, i just came back after an hour and a half of grinding to find it stood 'interacting with gangplank' for a few minutes clicking the floor. This might need fixing?

Other than those things though, works great! I've used it for a few hours and its already earned me plenty of points - its perfect for busy evenings when you can just get lost in the crowd in a 2 minute game. I've used it on the intermediate boat and it's earning me around 60pph at the moment which is an absolute dream for grinding out void.

Revisiting my previous post - the script is much smoother now! I've run several times for long periods with no issues. The only addition I can see is to pick up arrow stacks if you're ranging - otherwise you have to choose between expensive XP or Bad (but cheap) XP bonus.

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6 hours ago, 7007 said:

Revisiting my previous post - the script is much smoother now! I've run several times for long periods with no issues. The only addition I can see is to pick up arrow stacks if you're ranging - otherwise you have to choose between expensive XP or Bad (but cheap) XP bonus.

Ok that's good to hear, Like from what amount would you pickup your arrows?
I cna always take a look to add something in the GUI so you can enter an amount to pickup arrows which are ont eh same stack if you'd like

1 hour ago, dieselll said:

Khaleesi, can I give this a trial run?

Enjoy the trial!

Edited by Khaleesi
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