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Perfect Rock Crabs


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Yeah guys, don't worry, Czar seems like a very active scripter so if there's issues, just let him know in detail.


Plus he already has some other scripts that are very good, no doubt he can bring this up to par after some more updates.


On another note, do you have a skype Czar?


Just wondering if you use one for IMing about bugs for any of your scripts like some other scripters do


Though seems you reply fast enough as it is without one.

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Well I guess i'll add the minimap walking (fixes a lot of 'bugs' as you guys call them, but also risks botlike-behaviour :L)

@Alexander, stop bitching, 1/2 of your 'bugs' are bullshit, 1/3 are already updated in the next version (which you aren't even using) and the rest are legit. I will fix those right now.

Version 1.7


- Added minimap walking for crabs

- No longer picks up junk

- No longer gets stuck near the area

- No longer attempts to hop while in combat

- Added cannon checking for west crabs


Update will be live within an hour (once the admin accepts the update).


EDIT: This only took 10 minutes to fix, hold your horses before you get a refund doge.png


@Udidoo, my skype = Czarscripting :D

Edited by Czar
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Yes I forgot to add that, its in version 1.73. Apologies guys. Should be up soon. It will hop when 7 or more players are there.


EDIT: It only hops if you enable hopping, otherwise it won't ever hop

How is combat now? Much better eh? Don't rush into things man, it's just a few bugs which are easily fixable. For me it's working bloody flawless right now, even faster than it was before.



I'm literally getting double xp, woah this is actually amazing i'm glad i made this update

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I personally vote for a mix of minimap and on screen.  I'd rather have a non-bot like behavior bot with 2-3k less xp/hr than a obvious and pattern intensive bot that just gets banned. But hey, at least we got more xp/hr.

The 7 man update is godly, ive been counting it manually and oddly enough i also used 7 as my # to hop smile.png

In over 36 hours of botting last 2 days (Multiple acts) it hasnt gotten a single uncut sapph.  Is the bot eating to loot these?  Im 65 defense and 45 defense, It will never eat on its own.  

XP rates are 30k+ on both acts, im running 6 hours on, 4 hours off, 4 hours on, 6 hours off, 2 hours on, 2 hours off  (24 hour cycle for you mathless people) 
Its a safer way t bot more than 6 hours a day.  And so far so good.  *Knock on wood*

Great script Czar and keep the updates coming smile.png


It would seem as though the world hopper is messing up.  it just reselects a world and continues.  never actually logging in.  Im assuming thats client sided and not an issue with your script.

Edited by Spartanz
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Just figured I'd let you know about this. 

After 6 flawless hours it randomly logged me out saying "Ran out of ammo, stopping script" while i still had 3k arrows equipped.

Probably just a random bug since I haven't seen it again, but if I can get it to reoccur ill definitely let you know why it happened  


edit1 : Also if someone is using the same arrows at you on the other side of the fence it will constantly try to pick up the arrows over there 


edit2 : Another thing that happened to me was I went to start the script already at rock crabs and they were unaggressive (if that makes a difference) and the 3 times I started it with "hop world" selected nothing would happen. The bot would just sit there forever, when I turned off "hop world" and tried again it worked normally. 



Just wanted to throw in that I still love the script though HeartEyes.pngThumbs-Up.png  

Edited by Wallace127
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Just figured I'd let you know about this.

After 6 flawless hours it randomly logged me out saying "Ran out of ammo, stopping script" while i still had 3k arrows equipped.

Probably just a random bug since I haven't seen it again, but if I can get it to reoccur ill definitely let you know why it happened

edit1 : Also if someone is using the same arrows at you on the other side of the fence it will constantly try to pick up the arrows over there

edit2 : Another thing that happened to me was I went to start the script already at rock crabs and they were unaggressive (if that makes a difference) and the 3 times I started it with "hop world" selected nothing would happen. The bot would just sit there forever, when I turned off "hop world" and tried again it worked normally.

Just wanted to throw in that I still love the script though HeartEyes.pngThumbs-Up.png

Thanks for all the feedback! I will fix all of these in ~30 minutes, almost home. :)

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