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Perfect Rock Crabs


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that's not an error , just debug information, what did the bot actually do? screenshot the whole client please biggrin.png


@janzon, fixed


how's the script now, I added a few small updates which improved the script biggrin.png let me know if there are any issues

would keep clicking back to abnk to tel me there is no food and logout, i had food already stated in gui and in invent

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The script is a bit meh? It's kind of botty.


Agreed on the kind of botty part, otherwise a really solid script. After babysitting for a bit im somewhat worried leaving it because of it kinda looking botty. The biggest thing i notice is when it finds an unattacked crab and goes to it, but someone attacks it first so when you get to it the bot just stands there looking at the other player till it finds another crab. 


If i find any other instances i'll be sure to write up a description to see if maybe it can be altered to look more human like.


Edit: Needs to select to attack crabs quicker. It often stands in front of a crab for a good 7-10 seconds before it clicks to attack it or it'll run to a random spot, and sit there for a bit before deciding to attack a crab. (only happens when training in a crowded spot)


Edit2: after selecting anti pattern i believe that has made this WAY more human like. VERY happy with this adjustment. 


Edit 3: I've noticed you may have hardcoded certain spots to go to on the map, because other botters go to the exact same spot as me and have very similar times for when they move to the next crab. Looks VERY bot like. Even with the anti pattern selected I notice I tend to run on similar/exact paths as other botters. Needs to be fixed. 


Edited by slicknick654
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For attacking, I made it go to a nearby crab and rely on auto-retaliate, do you have auto-retaliate enabled? Or is this in aggressive mode where it must attack the rock crabs?


As for the similar paths, do you mean walking paths or areas in the rock crab fight position, anyhow I can easily randomize it more :D


As for the casket, I will add it to the list, apologies :D


thanks for feedback and suggestions :D

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For attacking, I made it go to a nearby crab and rely on auto-retaliate, do you have auto-retaliate enabled? Or is this in aggressive mode where it must attack the rock crabs?


As for the similar paths, do you mean walking paths or areas in the rock crab fight position, anyhow I can easily randomize it more biggrin.png


I noticed if the bot cannot find crabs in the area, it selects a spot on the map that appears to be the same spot that other bots select. I only say this because its happened a few times, and then i and the other bot move away from that spot at the same exact time which looks a little fishy tongue.png


I have the first attack option to 4 (max) and the second to 1 (lowest). The exact issue is as follows:


On crowded worlds, the bot selects an open crab. It runs to attack the crab. By the time it gets to the crab, someone has already started attacking it. so since i selected to not attack other crabs, it just stares at the crab/person for a good 5-7 seconds which looks odd and is an easy way to spot a botter. Perhaps while it is running to a crab, you could have it continuously check if the target crab is being attacked, then divert to option 2 crab instead if it is? that way it already has a backup crab in place it could go to, much like a human would wink.png


I've also noticed every once in awhile it spazzes out and moves the camera continuously up and down maybe 4-5 times. not sure if theres a reason for that or not.


And last thing, would it be hard to implement click to attack (not rely on auto-attack)? Not a must have but im pretty sure all humans ive seen who arent AFK click to attack.


Just suggestions, but as always really solid script and very happy with my purchase smile.png

Edited by slicknick654
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Bot drinks all of my combat pots in rapid succession(literally drinks all at once), doesnt bring camelot teleports, and half the time leaves armour and weapons in the bank... if there isn't a straight forward fix, i'd like a refund, maybe im just missing a step...  And btw, i just bought the range script, it works, gets the job done, but please please please implement an automatic zoom adjuster, I have to mess with that shit way too much before it starts working.

Edited by csvernon
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I LOVEE your range guild script, it's done me right so far, also purchased this script, I just don't feel it's very safe anymore, please try it yourself and do the best you can to TRY AND GET BANNED to figured out a way to prevent that. Please, I love your scripts, just this one doesn't feel to safe anymore.


Edited by snowman
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Snowman be more specific, I will run it with default options (not aggressive, normal activity, 5 lobsters, east mode) and I will not run into any issues


The thing is, if you change the options, the script will run differently, so if you have an error, just state the options you used and I will fix it within 30 minutes.


Also, please set mouse zoom to default, (that, alone, will fix 95% of all problems)


Update: the script is running incredibly smooth.. I knew there were no errors




Here is update for activity 4, aggression 1






PLEASE, if you have a bug report, state the EXACT options and the EXACT inventory you used, otherwise your feedback is useless.

Edited by Czar
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