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what the fuck happend today? main account gone?

big and black

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A hour ago i was reading a story about a guy who got hacked and lost his third age longsword.


Now i tried to login to my fucking maxed main with 180m bank, and it says Invalid username/Email or password.

I try to login at my zerker, and it works.


Then i try to find my name in hiscores, and its complete blank.


I've searched in my friends list of my zerk to see if they changed my name, but i couldnt find my account.


So either i got hacked some way?  or jagex removed my account?  (cuz it doesnt say anything about being banned)

I've never botted on any of my 2 accounts.


and they were both protected with authenticator and other crap.

I also feel fucked cuz i recently moved all my valueble items from my zerk to my main, so i got nothing fucking left.


wtf is happening


Edited by big and black
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