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Khal AIO Fisher


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On 11/30/2019 at 9:22 AM, s7ty said:

Aerial doesnt work, wasted $9


On 12/2/2019 at 7:30 PM, feack said:

@Khaleesi Can you please fix aerial fishing? The script says it supports it, but it appears to be broken.

After further investiogation Aerial was never broken to start with.
You just had to take the bird and get 1 bait before starting.

To clarify that I added the text in the GUI on how to set it up and added some code to take the bird and your first bait, but positioning yourself is important before you start it :)

Script updated to V1.75:
- Updated Aerial Fishing

Will be online soon

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10 hours ago, Khaleesi said:

Ya but I don't have acces to it yet :/
High fishing lvl req

np my friend , if i make it to 80 on this account before the ban hammer you can use mine :D 


my next question, is it possible to maybe have a toggle for only do shift dropping rather then having the bot change up its dropping style? like just go from top to bottom each time rather then the current mix up, some times it right click drops and im not an expert but seems bait to me since no1 does that only the people using this script? whats ur thoughts homie? 

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3 hours ago, traybakes said:

np my friend , if i make it to 80 on this account before the ban hammer you can use mine :D 


my next question, is it possible to maybe have a toggle for only do shift dropping rather then having the bot change up its dropping style? like just go from top to bottom each time rather then the current mix up, some times it right click drops and im not an expert but seems bait to me since no1 does that only the people using this script? whats ur thoughts homie? 

Well it should never right click to drop though ... Only the patterns change once in a while.
Would you rather see it drop in 1 specific way for the whole runtime?

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