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How does this work?


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Sorry for making a new thread but this is a totally different thing so.


Now I'm watching this outdated video where for examle getting inventory is "client.getInventory". My Eclipse won't recognize this so I'm assuming it's outdated and there's a newer version of this? How would I do this?


Also, would you mind explaining how does the api work? I can find onLoop() etc but for example I couldn't find the "client" > client.getX thing.


So let's just make an example. How would I check the inventory (wether it's full or not)?



Hopefully after getting this I don't need to ask such silly questions

Edited by Jaacobbi
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use the api young blood. 


before it use to be client.blah blah blah everything but now its more organized. Just use getInventory()


look at the method provider class it contains all class and allow you to grab the instance if the class you might need. 


Ooh. Thanks! Though I can't seem to manage to find the stuff I'm looking for. I mean I found methodprovider class, but I can't find anything that I want to search for. For example "isFull" - can't find it anywhere nor anything like that on the inventory class (this one)


Am I on the wrong page or how come it's not the? o.o

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Ooh. Thanks! Though I can't seem to manage to find the stuff I'm looking for. I mean I found methodprovider class, but I can't find anything that I want to search for. For example "isFull" - can't find it anywhere nor anything like that on the inventory class (this one)


Am I on the wrong page or how come it's not the? o.o

learn inheritance, its right there dude you just not looking hard enough. Anything that extends ItemContainer contains that super classes methods. For example inventory, bank, shop, etx...... 



Edited by josedpay
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