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Banking Enum With Areas and Methods


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Since Novak is a lazy bum I made a banking enum. I needed this for my web walker anyway. tongue.png



Banking enum (with areas):

import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position;
import org.osbot.rs07.utility.Area;

* Created by zach on 1/10/15.
public enum BankAreas{
    DRAYNOR (new Area(3092, 3246, 3095, 3240), 0),
    LUMBRIDGE_LOWER (new Area(3215, 9623, 3219, 9620), 0),
    LUMBRIDGE_UPPER (new Area(3207, 3220, 3210, 3216), 2),
    ALKHARID(new Area(3269, 3170, 3272, 3162), 0),
    SHANTYPASS(new Area(3307, 3122, 3308, 3119), 0),
    DUEL_ARENA(new Area(3381, 3271, 3384, 3267), 0),
    EDGEVILLE(new Area(3090, 3498, 3098, 3489), 0),
    SEERS(new Area(2721, 3490, 2729, 3493), 0),
    CATHERBY(new Area(2806, 3438, 2812, 3441), 0),
    ARDOUGNE_NORTH(new Area(2621, 3334, 2612, 3332), 0),
    ARDOUGNE_SOUTH(new Area(2649, 3280, 2655, 3287), 0),
    VARROCK_EAST(new Area(3250, 3423, 3257, 3420), 0),
    VARROCK_WEST(new Area(3181, 3445, 3185, 3435), 0),
    FALADOR_WEST(new Area(2943, 3372, 2949, 3368), 0),
    FALADOR_EAST(new Area(3009, 3358, 3017, 3355), 0),
    YANILLE(new Area(2609, 3088, 2613, 3097), 0)

    private Area bankArea;
    private int zPlane;

    private BankAreas(Area bankArea, int zPlane){
        this.bankArea = bankArea;
        this.zPlane = zPlane;

     * Gets the bank area for the specified location.
     * @return the bank area of the specified location.
    public Area getBankArea(){
        return this.bankArea;

     * Gets the z plane value for the specified bank location.
     * @return the z plane that contains the specified bank location.
    public int getzPlane(){
        return this.zPlane;

     * Gets the central tile for the specified bank location.
     * @return the central tile in the bank location.
    public Position getCentralPosition(){
        return getCentralPosition(this.bankArea);//call the private method

     * Checks if the specified bank area contains the specified position.
     * @param position the position to check the bank area for.
     * @return true if the bank area contains position, false otherwise.
    public boolean areaContainsPosition(Position position){
        if(position != null){
            return (this.bankArea.contains(position) && position.getZ() == this.getzPlane());
        return false;

    private Position getCentralPosition(Area area){
        int centralX = area.getMinX() + ((area.getMaxX() - area.getMinX())/2);
        int centralY = area.getMinY() + ((area.getMaxY() - area.getMinY())/2);
        return new Position(centralX, centralY, this.zPlane);


Useful methods inside of a banking class that use the enum:

import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position;
import org.osbot.rs07.utility.Area;

 * Created by zach on 1/14/15.
public class Banking {

     * Gets the nearest bank to the specified position.
     * @param position the position to measure the distance to.
     * @return the bank nearest to the specified position.
    public Area getNearestBankArea(Position position){
        Area closestArea = null;
        int closestDistance = 99999;
        for(BankAreas bankAreas : BankAreas.values()){
            if(bankAreas.getzPlane() == position.getZ()){//make sure that the z planes are the same
                Position tempPosition = bankAreas.getCentralPosition();
                int tempDistance = (int) getEstimatedDistanceToFinish(tempPosition.getX(), tempPosition.getY(), position.getX(), position.getY());
                if(tempDistance < closestDistance){
                    closestArea = bankAreas.getBankArea();
                    closestDistance = tempDistance;
        return closestArea;

     * Gets the central tile of the nearest bank to the specified position.
     * @param position the position to measure the distance to.
     * @return the central position of the nearest bank to the specified position.
    public Position getNearestBankCentralPosition(Position position){
        Area closestArea = getNearestBankArea(position);
        if(closestArea != null)
            return getCentralPosition(closestArea, position.getZ());
        return null;

     * Estimates the distance from x1, y1 to x2, y2.
     * Note: The method used to calculate the estimation is an average of the
     * estimated manhattan distance + the estimated euclidean distance.
     * In tile based games where both diagonal and non diagonal movement is
     * possible, this method will give a more accurate estimation of the
     * real distance between points 1 and 2.
     * @param initialX the starting x value.
     * @param initialY the starting y value.
     * @param finalX the ending x value.
     * @param finalY the ending y value.
     * @return the estimated distance from x1, y1 to x2, y2.
    public float getEstimatedDistanceToFinish(int initialX, int initialY, int finalX, int finalY){
        return ((calculateEuclideanDistance(initialX, initialY, finalX, finalY) + calculateManhattanDistance(initialX, initialY, finalX, finalY)) /2 );

    private float calculateManhattanDistance(int initialX, int initialY, int finalX, int finalY){
        float dx = Math.abs(finalX - initialX);
        float dy = Math.abs(finalY - initialY);
        return dx+dy;

    private float calculateEuclideanDistance(int initialX, int initialY, int finalX, int finalY){
        return (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(initialX - finalX, 2) + Math.pow(initialY - finalY, 2));

    private Position getCentralPosition(Area area, int zPlane){
        int centralX = area.getMinX() + ((area.getMaxX() - area.getMinX())/2);
        int centralY = area.getMinY() + ((area.getMaxY() - area.getMinY())/2);
        return new Position(centralX, centralY, zPlane);


You can use the methods in something like this: 

 * Created by zach on 1/5/15.

@ScriptManifest(name = "Test", author =  "Mysteryy", info = "Testing", version = 1.0, logo = "none")
public class Test extends Script {
    Banking banking = new Banking();

    public void onStart(){
        Player player = myPlayer();
        if(player != null){
            this.log(banking.getNearestBankArea(player.getPosition()).getMinX() + ", " + banking.getNearestBankArea(player.getPosition()).getMaxY());
            this.log(banking.getNearestBankCentralPosition(player.getPosition()).getX() + ", " + banking.getNearestBankCentralPosition(player.getPosition()).getY());
            this.log(BankAreas.DRAYNOR.getCentralPosition().getX() + ", " + BankAreas.DRAYNOR.getCentralPosition().getY());

    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {

        return 50;

which would output 

[iNFO][bot #1][01/14 10:35:12 PM]: 3092, 3246
[iNFO][bot #1][01/14 10:35:12 PM]: 3093, 3243
[iNFO][bot #1][01/14 10:35:12 PM]: 3093, 3243
[iNFO][bot #1][01/14 10:35:12 PM]: true
Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. happy.png
Edited by Mysteryy
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