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Perfect Fisher AIO


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On 9/1/2020 at 7:34 AM, Czar said:

@TriscuitMan It's how the script is written I really can't risk any bans so I extended all the delays and waits to produce fewer actions per hour and ultimately prevent bans (of course nothing is 100% certain, botting is against rules). I'll make some changes, in the meantime I recommend turning off the option [Wait when fish move away] in the Settings tab. In your opinion, how long should it wait and what type of behaviours would you like to see in the next version? Lemme know so I can improve the script :D

Thanks for the reply, I totally forgot about this.

I understand the extending delays and I'm ok with that, but I believe (i could be wrong) that the extended delays are causing logouts, and I can only get a few hours in at a time. Like you suggested, disabling that option immediately fixed the issue, but I'd rather use the option and not risk bans, but not at the expense of having to restart every few hours. Apart from that, it works beyond perfect for me and I wouldn't add any features tbh.



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Epic! Added to main thread good job sir keep it up :D Please don't forget to use breaks, also I recommend barbarian fishing to 99 XD

Special attacks - done added for v138.4, should automatically go live within a couple hours.

Almost done with adding a new bonus plugin to the script btw, more to come!

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