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Perfect Fisher AIO


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Hey man im reporting a bug. I dont see anything in the logger for this so ill just tell you what it is doing. When i set it up to fish swordfish OR sharks it will fish in the wrong harpoon spot every now and then. It wont correct itself and you cant set it up to drop the wrong ones because itll just drop the swordfish and tuna and then fish them again.

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Dude, I have (almost) every one of your scripts. They are all fantastic, you should do one for every skill. especially cooking/making wines. You'll get good cash for it.


Also please consider adding the option to use a knife on leaping fish for 4-way xp drops (fish/str/agil/cook).


I'll always support Czar Perfects !

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1 hour ago, 2nite2good said:

Dude, I have (almost) every one of your scripts. They are all fantastic, you should do one for every skill. especially cooking/making wines. You'll get good cash for it.


Also please consider adding the option to use a knife on leaping fish for 4-way xp drops (fish/str/agil/cook).


I'll always support Czar Perfects !

Support this. Would be epic.

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I've been using your scripts for a while now, and recently purchased this one. I have it set to fish at the fishing guild for sharks, but for some reason it always goes to the "Cage/Harpoon" spot, which returns swordies, tuna and sharks. The spot labeled "Net/Harpoon" will return only sharks. Why does the script not use this spot only? Thanks in advance @Czar

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Hey not sure if you're active here or not, but I'm having an issue.

When I fish for swordfish in catherby, it tries to harpoon the shark spot.

  • Script needs to look for the "Cage" above for swordies rather than looking for "harpoon" in general.
  • I've tried fishing at the correct spot first and starting the script after and when it tries to bank it runs east along the mountain and goes afk at the top getting hit by wolves

I can provide screenshots/video if this isn't clear enough

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