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Perfect Fisher AIO


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On 3/17/2017 at 6:45 AM, Czar said:

As for noting fish instead of banking, so the script will just go to bank, use fish on bank booth to note it and then continue as normal? Confirm and I will add an update for it in the upcoming version (v94) :) 

Correct, I believe you will have to put all into the bank and the withdraw as noted, that should do the trick


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One thing I noticed in the fishing guild is some high level players are using the tele-other spell on the bots and it seems to be messing the bots up. I've found my character in barbarian assault a couple times lol. not sure if there can be something to prevent that from happening 

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That's too much for just fishing trout man, did you use breaks while fishing? For long botting hours it's best to be either p2p and fishing anything above 40+ and in a non-highly-botted area. Also why not use VIP client since you're vip :o 

Never mind, there was a jmod manually banning bots in the past 2 days :( must've been that.. :( 

Edited by Czar
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Hey Czar, I would like to buy this script before next deadman season;

Could you create a banking option* for:

- Catch lobster at Fremenik Fishing Pier
- Catch Sharks at Fremenik Fishing Pier

1. Run south towards Peer the Seer

2. Drop either Lobster Pot / Harpoon

3. Talk to Peer the Seer, go through dialog and select 'Yes' (deposit all)

4. Pickup either Lobster Pot / Harpoon

5. Return to fishing

(The Deadman mode fisher accounts will have started fremenik trials so they will be able to deposit only through this dialog, not through the right-click deposit option)

Good luck & Thanks (:


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Hey czar, just thought you would want to know that it drops clue bottles when shift-dropping very sketchy. 

Also, on a similar note, I think you should make the shift dropping misclick once in a while otherwise it's too the accuracy is too perfect to be human.

Edited by imeurotrash
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What's the clue bottle exact name, I will add it to the drop filter list (to avoid dropping it) in the next version ASAP. I will check osrs wiki for the exact name, hopefully it's the same as in-game ^^ :D 

As for peer the seer banking will definitely add, thanks for saying how the script should work (just basic logic is fine). This will be a plugin in the upcoming versions, will add a File menu in the script setup interface called Plugins -> Peer the Seer fishing - since it doesn't fit into normal fishing (due to banking being handled differently)

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