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Help using GUIs


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I'm trying to get my GUI to run at all. Why doesn't it close when I click the start button. I thought i added the correct event handlers. The GUI opens, and I can interact with it, but when I click on the "start" button, nothing happens. Why?


Here's my code, I know it's shitty:

import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;

import java.awt.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

@ScriptManifest(name = "AFKer", author = "Computor", version = 1.0, info = "", logo = "") 
public class AFKer extends Script {

	private long timeBegan;	
	private int xpPerHour;

	botGUI g = new botGUI();
	public boolean guiWait = true;
	public String foodToEat;
	public int skillDisplay;

	private int beginningAttack;
	private int currentAttackXp;
	private int currentAttackLevel;
	private int attackXpGained;
	private double nextAttackLevelXp;
	private long timeAttackTNL;
	private double xpTillNextAttackLevel;

	private int beginningHitpoints;
	private int currentHitpointsXp;
	private int currentHitpointsLevel;
	private int hitpointsXpGained;
	private double nextHitpointsLevelXp;
	private double xpTillNextHitpointsLevel;

	private int beginningStrength;
	private int currentStrengthXp;
	private int currentStrengthLevel;
	private int strengthXpGained;
	private double nextStrengthLevelXp;
	private long timeStrengthTNL;
	private double xpTillNextStrengthLevel;

	private int beginningDefense;
	private int currentDefenseXp;
	private int currentDefenseLevel;
	private int defenseXpGained;
	private double nextDefenseLevelXp;
	private long timeDefenseTNL;
	private double xpTillNextDefenseLevel;

	final int[] XP_TABLE =
			0, 0, 83, 174, 276, 388, 512, 650, 801, 969, 1154,
			1358, 1584, 1833, 2107, 2411, 2746, 3115, 3523, 3973, 4470, 5018,
			5624, 6291, 7028, 7842, 8740, 9730, 10824, 12031, 13363, 14833,
			16456, 18247, 20224, 22406, 24815, 27473, 30408, 33648, 37224,
			41171, 45529, 50339, 55649, 61512, 67983, 75127, 83014, 91721,
			101333, 111945, 123660, 136594, 150872, 166636, 184040, 203254,
			224466, 247886, 273742, 302288, 333804, 368599, 407015, 449428,
			496254, 547953, 605032, 668051, 737627, 814445, 899257, 992895,
			1096278, 1210421, 1336443, 1475581, 1629200, 1798808, 1986068,
			2192818, 2421087, 2673114, 2951373, 3258594, 3597792, 3972294,
			4385776, 4842295, 5346332, 5902831, 6517253, 7195629, 7944614,
			8771558, 9684577, 10692629, 11805606, 13034431, 200000000

	//paint background
	private final Image bg = getImage("http://s12.postimg.org/wty7h6sb1/AFKer.png");

	private Image getImage(String url)
			return ImageIO.read(new URL(url));
		catch (IOException e) {}
		return null;
	//end paint background

	public void onStart() {
		//Code here will execute before the loop is started
		timeBegan = System.currentTimeMillis();
		beginningAttack = skills.getExperience(Skill.ATTACK);
		beginningHitpoints = skills.getExperience(Skill.HITPOINTS);
		beginningStrength = skills.getExperience(Skill.STRENGTH);
		beginningDefense = skills.getExperience(Skill.DEFENCE);
		timeAttackTNL = 0;
		timeStrengthTNL = 0;
		timeDefenseTNL = 0;

		if (guiWait == false ){

	public void onExit() {
		//Code here will execute after the script ends


	public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException
		if(foodToEat != null){
			inventory.interact(foodToEat, "Eat");

		return 123;

	public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
		//This is where you will put your code for paint(s)
		//background paint
		Graphics2D gr = g;
		g.drawImage(bg, 4, 341, null);

		currentAttackXp = skills.getExperience(Skill.ATTACK);
		currentAttackLevel = skills.getStatic(Skill.ATTACK);
		attackXpGained = currentAttackXp - beginningAttack;
		xpPerHour = (int)( attackXpGained / ((System.currentTimeMillis() - this.timeBegan) / 3600000.0D));
		nextAttackLevelXp = XP_TABLE[currentAttackLevel + 1];
		xpTillNextAttackLevel = nextAttackLevelXp - currentAttackXp;
		if (attackXpGained >= 1)
			timeAttackTNL = (long) ((xpTillNextAttackLevel / xpPerHour) * 3600000);

		if (skillDisplay == 1){
			g.drawString("" + ft(timeAttackTNL), 377, 427);
		g.drawString("" + attackXpGained, 203, 427);

		currentStrengthXp = skills.getExperience(Skill.STRENGTH);
		currentStrengthLevel = skills.getStatic(Skill.STRENGTH);
		strengthXpGained = currentStrengthXp - beginningStrength;
		xpPerHour = (int)( strengthXpGained / ((System.currentTimeMillis() - this.timeBegan) / 3600000.0D));
		nextStrengthLevelXp = XP_TABLE[currentStrengthLevel + 1];
		xpTillNextStrengthLevel = nextStrengthLevelXp - currentStrengthXp;
		if (strengthXpGained >= 1)
			timeStrengthTNL = (long) ((xpTillNextStrengthLevel / xpPerHour) * 3600000);

		if (skillDisplay == 2){
			g.drawString("" + ft(timeStrengthTNL), 377, 427);
		g.drawString("" + strengthXpGained,220, 458);

		currentDefenseXp = skills.getExperience(Skill.DEFENCE);
		currentDefenseLevel = skills.getStatic(Skill.DEFENCE);
		defenseXpGained = currentDefenseXp - beginningDefense;
		xpPerHour = (int)( defenseXpGained / ((System.currentTimeMillis() - this.timeBegan) / 3600000.0D));
		nextDefenseLevelXp = XP_TABLE[currentDefenseLevel + 1];
		xpTillNextDefenseLevel = nextDefenseLevelXp - currentDefenseXp;
		if (defenseXpGained >= 1)
			timeDefenseTNL = (long) ((xpTillNextDefenseLevel / xpPerHour) * 3600000);

		if (skillDisplay == 3){
			g.drawString("" + ft(timeDefenseTNL), 377, 427);
		g.drawString("" + defenseXpGained, 432, 401);

		currentHitpointsXp = skills.getExperience(Skill.HITPOINTS);
		currentAttackLevel = skills.getStatic(Skill.HITPOINTS);
		hitpointsXpGained = currentHitpointsXp - beginningHitpoints;
		xpPerHour = (int)( hitpointsXpGained / ((System.currentTimeMillis() - this.timeBegan) / 3600000.0D));
		nextHitpointsLevelXp = XP_TABLE[currentHitpointsLevel + 1];
		xpTillNextHitpointsLevel = nextHitpointsLevelXp - currentHitpointsXp;		
		g.drawString("" + hitpointsXpGained, 439, 458);

		int totalxp = attackXpGained + strengthXpGained + hitpointsXpGained + defenseXpGained;
		g.drawString("" + totalxp, 249, 401);

	private String ft(long duration)
		String res = "";
		long days = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(duration);
		long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(duration)
				- TimeUnit.DAYS.toHours(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(duration));
		long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(duration)
				- TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
		long seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(duration)
				- TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
		if (days == 0) {
			res = (hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds);
		} else {
			res = (days + ":" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds);
		return res;

	class botGUI extends JFrame {
		public botGUI() {

		private void startButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
			String chosen = whatToEat.getSelectedText().toString();
			if (chosen.equals("Lobster")){
				foodToEat = "Lobster";
			} if (chosen.equals("Shark")){
				foodToEat = "Shark";
			if (chosen.equals("Tuna")){
				foodToEat = "Tuna";
			if (chosen.equals("Monkfish")){
				foodToEat = "Monkfish";
			if (chosen.equals("Swordfish")){
				foodToEat = "Swordfish";


			String chosen2 = whatToAttack.getSelectedText().toString();
			if (chosen2.equals("Attack")){
				skillDisplay = 1;
			} if (chosen2.equals("Strength")){
				skillDisplay = 2;
			if (chosen2.equals("Defence")){
				skillDisplay = 3;


			guiWait = false;

		private void initComponents() {
			startButton = new JButton();
			label1 = new JLabel();
			whatToEat = new JTextField();
			label2 = new JLabel();
			whatToAttack = new JTextField();

			//======== this ========
			setTitle("Computor's AFKer");
			Container contentPane = getContentPane();

			//---- startButton ----
			startButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
				public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
			startButton.setBounds(87, 175, 210, 65);

			//---- label1 ----
			label1.setText("What are you going to train? (Attack, Strength, Defence)");
			label1.setBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(35, 40), label1.getPreferredSize()));
			whatToEat.setBounds(35, 120, 130, whatToEat.getPreferredSize().height);

			//---- label2 ----
			label2.setText("Enter food here:");
			label2.setBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(35, 100), label2.getPreferredSize()));
			whatToAttack.setBounds(35, 60, 140, 20);

			contentPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 300));

		private JButton startButton;
		private JLabel label1;
		private JTextField whatToEat;
		private JLabel label2;
		private JTextField whatToAttack;

Edited by computor
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in your event handler for start button

also, for stuff like all of this:

if (chosen.equals("Lobster")){
				foodToEat = "Lobster";
			} if (chosen.equals("Shark")){
				foodToEat = "Shark";
			if (chosen.equals("Tuna")){
				foodToEat = "Tuna";
			if (chosen.equals("Monkfish")){
				foodToEat = "Monkfish";
			if (chosen.equals("Swordfish")){
				foodToEat = "Swordfish";


just do

foodToEat = chosen;
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Still doesn't work, maybe I'm doing it wrong? If i remove the code:

String chosen = whatToEat.getSelectedText().toString();
			if (chosen.equals("Lobster")){
				foodToEat = chosen;
			} if (chosen.equals("Shark")){
				foodToEat = chosen;
			if (chosen.equals("Tuna")){
				foodToEat = chosen;
			if (chosen.equals("Monkfish")){
				foodToEat = chosen;
			if (chosen.equals("Swordfish")){
				foodToEat = chosen;


			String chosen2 = whatToAttack.getSelectedText().toString();
			if (chosen2.equals("Attack")){
				skillDisplay = 1;
			} if (chosen2.equals("Strength")){
				skillDisplay = 2;
			if (chosen2.equals("Defence")){
				skillDisplay = 3;


it closes the window when I hit start. Maybe the chosen and chosen2 stuff is wrong?

Edited by computor
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