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What's your setup? I have NEVER gone over 42k/hr there. And I am 95 range. 

Darkbow helps very gud. He has darkbow,black dhide, some coif, prob archers ring, snakeskin boots. 

If your rich get archers hat,archers boots,archers ring, dbow, armadyl armor. I imagine it would be over 50k xp/hr

Edited by DefiniteHD
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I think xp/hr might have dropped after latest mirror mode update. I usually get an easy 42-43k xp/hr and now I am getting 38k. I have changed none of my settings. I did this for 1hr and 30minutes to make sure to get an average number.


Edit: It seems for some reason osbot keeps on opening/clicking runescape settings that might affect xp/hr? Idk why it is doing that.

Edited by DefiniteHD
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