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Thank you for the feedback and support guys :D


As for deadman mode, range guild is 5x xp, and what is even better now, is that there is less pker's in deadman mode because the hype is gone (everybody's at zeah) etc, but you just reminded me, should I add some kind of anti lure or something for deadman worlds?

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Done, refresh scripts and enjoy 24h trial :)


As for any bans, try setting a ~1:4 bot-break ratio, it's the break settings that were used for the 100hr proggy in the main thread


Also, for optimal botting experience: turn esc mode on and set the mouse zoom to where the target object is visible, and it will work the best :)



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Done, refresh scripts and enjoy 24h trial smile.png


As for any bans, try setting a ~1:4 bot-break ratio, it's the break settings that were used for the 100hr proggy in the main thread


Also, for optimal botting experience: turn esc mode on and set the mouse zoom to where the target object is visible, and it will work the best smile.png


ao bot for 1 hour and break for 4? or opposite.


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