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Hey I haven't used this script in awhile but it wont work, after completing a round of arrows it doesn't talk to the competition judge to start the next round, having to do it manually... is there a fix to this?? (just read previous comments when do you think script might be updated?) thank you.

Edited by stevelee
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The progress reports on your first page is insane. no idea how people can run a bot that long, i've been banned on every account ive used this script on once i get to around 80+ range and never past 90.  Ive tried everything, botting only a couple hours with long breaks, botting only during time the jagex HQ are closed for the day. i've tried everything, now ive actually started a new account and questing on it to make into a main and i want range to be my main cmb skill. I'm so scared botting it (and im only 55 range currently) in fear i will get banned after the 25+ quests ive already ran on it after only making it a couple days ago.  what is the absolute BEST way to avoid a ban, because  if it happens on this account. ill be done

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For all users waiting, the script should be back to normal very soon, just waiting on an update, sorry for inconvenience!
don't worry the latest version is 100% working, I made sure to test it, here is quick preview:
the strategy for botting is to bot the stats first, then quest later, but I highly recommend using the osbot mirror client, it is incredible at reducing the ban rate since it makes it so that the account is actually logged in the original client as opposed to the bot client

Edited by Czar
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