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Some Errors


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Your IDE will literally tell you the error if you hover over it.




yup works a treat told me axactly how to fix it... not code it... but simply cover up the error in other words facep.gif

Im not going to help you out anymore. I already told you to look into the api under Method Provider. If you didnt do it, then that sucks.





when you look at the class its self explanatory. facep.gif


i ahd already fixed all the ones from methodprovider before you posted... im just stuck on running and getfacing, these i could not find anywhere even in this magical MethodProvider that you speak of, i hear it tells you everything that i need to know?

Edited by PwneRL33T
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yup works a treat told me axactly how to fix it... not code it... but simply cover up the error in other words facep.gif


i ahd already fixed all the ones from methodprovider before you posted... im just stuck on running and getfacing, these i could not find anywhere even in this magical MethodProvider that you speak of, i hear it tells you everything that i need to know?


I highly suggest you look at the API for OSBot 2, it seems your using legacy still: http://osbot.org/api


Answer to set running: 

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Why are people giving him the wrong advice and saying he's using the legacy API? Not only would his code be working instead of throwing errors if he imported all legacy, but he even showed everyone his imports on the first page and they're all for OSBot 2.


yup works a treat told me axactly how to fix it... not code it... but simply cover up the error in other words facep.gif

It told you exactly what was wrong, and if you knew basic Java you'd know it's an incredibly informative error message. Since it seems like no one who has posted so far as any idea what they're talking about, and these posts gave me herpes, I'll just lay it out for you.



Ok, this is the error you're getting:




What this tells you is the method #setRunning(boolean) does not exist in either the main class or any of it's super classes. With that being said, it should be evident now why the quick fix it gives you is to create the method yourself in the current working class. The rest of the errors you're getting have the same issue.


Now, on to your main question about getting a working message listener, just simply override the onMessage method found within the Script class. See the API for more information.

Edited by Swizzbeat
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ok removed legacy but still getting errors




Why are people giving him the wrong advice and saying he's using the legacy API? Not only would his code be working instead of throwing errors if he imported all legacy, but he even showed everyone his imports on the first page and they're all for OSBot 2.

 after he removed them 

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