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My reason on why Spam section SHOULD give post count

Master Chief

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Well first off if that ever happens, I think the name of the section should be changed. Something like "Off topic" 



Alright well let's be honest here. OSBot is a lot slower than it use to be, and is starting to die a little bit. Now there hasn't been any bots out there that lasted forever, so eventually we can all expect OSBot to die. The botting part of it will die down slowly but surely. There have been bots in the past that have died down, and they just close down their site or whatever. And there have been sites (one in particular that I'm sure almost everyone here is familiar with) that had the botting side die down, but the community side rise up and stay steady. 


I'm not going to play games, but I'm not advertising either. Everyone knows it. p****bot. They rely almost completely on their random section. Post there and within seconds you have so many responses. Without that section, p****bot would be almost completely dead. So, why not take the intuitive and try and start gaining a more powerful and active community here? Before it all dies down and there is barely anything left. That being said, the community is still going pretty well here. But imagine if spam gave post count.... the amount of threads in there would be crazy high. The replies would shoot up on each thread. Profiles' average post count would be so much higher. The activity would be better than ever! @Jordan and I have said this multiple times to each other while talking in private - going to p****bot and you see plenty of people with 10k+ posts, numerous with 20k+, and even some with 30k+! That is insane compared to us. I know they have been around since 2009 and us only 2013 but still. If I was coming here and I see people rarely have over 5k posts then I'm going to assume this site is less active than others.



Now, let's assume post count starts being accumulated in spam. A few things that would need to be done - you would need to remove that section from the "5 recent topics" block. Or else it would be filled with spam. Then you should set some rules. No spamming the same thing on every thread, don't constantly be using one word / letter replies, and no spamming making threads. For instance, don't say "pls" or "k" on every thread. Saying it now and then can be funny but it gets annoying and bad. Making 100 threads in 10 minutes. Too far. The mods are more than capible to moderate this kind of stuff, really. Or just rely on other people to report profiles breaking these rules. Adopt a new mod or two if you need to! Really.


I think it will be beneficial in the long run. People having high post count doesn't hurt the site, it only is helping increase activity. Thus, more revenue from people viewing ads from refreshing pages, new members coming in because of activity, more members buying ranks, and so on. Yeah, early this week I was debating buying $100 donor since I had $298 on PP. I was thinking though, the site is dying a bit. So I shouldn't. If the site was going strong still, I would have bought in a heartbeat 




that's just my opinion though

Edited by Master Chief
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I'm not really concerned about post count and really just post because I'm bored, though I have no intentions of really doing anything in the market and it seems like those that are after pc have this crazy idea that pc has a relationship to the trust that is put in them.

But... if it can attract more people to post about their daily lives or some stupid video they found funny and brings some activity back to the forums then I don't see why not.

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This site is dead. Community isn't doing much except complaining about how the bot is horrible and people just do their own thing. I never botted and I'm not in market at the moment. Only reason why I even get active on sites is because I see potential in the community. I want OSBot to grow and everything, but it's kind of hard considering its current position.

That being said, yes. I do believe having post count in 'spam' will help. There are also a bunch of other stuff possible that can help bring this site back up. If you only have one point of interest in something - here being the bot - and that thing losing its edge, that thing, regardless of what it is, will die out eventually.

We need to increase the stuff this site offers. Sections for other games, more defined community where people can participate in, etc. This will also indirectly help out the rest of the site like the bot and the market areas.

Don't take this as an insult, but rather tip as for what needs to be done.

Something needs to be done and it needs to happen now. People are losing interest day after day and if we don't want to end up as some two bit bot site with a dead community and half added market with nothing else to do on the site, stuff needs to change.

This has more to do with simply the Devs working on the bot and keeping it updated, but that is a big part seeing as how the majority of this site revolves around the bot status.

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