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How many hours a day were you botting? I'm doing 10 hours without breaks, currently 86 hunter.

roughly the same as you man i only bot when im awake i logged out when im heading to bed and start once i wake up. so it makes it more human like i did legit 1-89 hunter only started botting at 89-95 got lazy cba good luck man hope you dunt get banned i only got a 14 day banned maybe i'll continue and try to achieved 99.

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yo whats going on with the bot its been messing up latly for me it just red bars all the traps even when they are up and lets them drop i have to manually restart the bot every like 100 chins i stoped it after 200 i worked perfectly fine before


I'll check it out, thanks for reporting.

EDIT: Did a 2 hour run, but can't reproduce it. Is this still happening to you?


Edited by FrostBug
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