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Budget: 1400-1800(EUR) / 1750-2250(USD)

Must be able to handle 4 browsers open with ~10 tabs each while running one or two other programs such as skype and vegas pro / adobe photoshop.

Must be able to smoothly run 8 bot tabs/clients while normal browsing.

A video card that supports at least 3 monitors and I'd like one to be able to run 120hz.

Must be able to play decent heavy games but not on like extreme high settings.

If possible i'd like to keep the pc pretty quiet, I don't know if this would require watercooling or just good fans but both is fine.

(If you think the budget is too low, could you estimate the right price?)


Parts don't have to be picked in euros but here's one anyway if you want a challange :P

Dutch part picker site: https://www.alternate.nl/html/configurator/builder/pc/page.html


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Budget: 1400-1800(EUR) / 1750-2250(USD)

Must be able to handle 4 browsers open with ~10 tabs each while running one or two other programs such as skype and vegas pro / adobe photoshop.

Must be able to smoothly run 8 bot tabs/clients while normal browsing.

A video card that supports at least 3 monitors and I'd like one to be able to run 120hz.

Must be able to play decent heavy games but not on like extreme high settings.

If possible i'd like to keep the pc pretty quiet, I don't know if this would require watercooling or just good fans but both is fine.

(If you think the budget is too low, could you estimate the right price?)


Parts don't have to be picked in euros but here's one anyway if you want a challange tongue.png

Dutch part picker site: https://www.alternate.nl/html/configurator/builder/pc/page.html

Just got back from College, luckily for you I am very much interested in quiet systems, so I have spent a fair amount of time researching.

1400 Euros is a very healthy budget imo, it will get you a system that would easily meet your requirements.

I don't suppose you know how I could share the build from that site do you? I can't seem to find any method of doing it.

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Just got back from College, luckily for you I am very much interested in quiet systems, so I have spent a fair amount of time researching.

1400 Euros is a very healthy budget imo, it will get you a system that would easily meet your requirements.

I don't suppose you know how I could share the build from that site do you? I can't seem to find any method of doing it.


Im afraid I cant find it either, just do it on your pcpartpicker site since the the price will easily fit my budget.

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Great, what would be the difference in performance if I swapped the 4790k for the i7-5820k @ 3.30Ghz?

The performance increase is substantial, however for your usage, even the 4790 is overkill.

If you were to upgrade further, I would look into either more RAM (if necessary) or another 980, as games are extremely hard to run at high settings nowadays.

Or you could invest in a new monitor, a 2560x1440 IPS panel or something.

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The performance increase is substantial, however for your usage, even the 4790 is overkill.

If you were to upgrade further, I would look into either more RAM (if necessary) or another 980, as games are extremely hard to run at high settings nowadays.

Or you could invest in a new monitor, a 2560x1440 IPS panel or something.


Usually my RAM usage is about 7-9GB so I will probably be going for a 16GB since my pc is already getting slower at ~9Gb while theres 3Gb more free. Could you recommend any? This one maybe?:http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gskill-memory-f31866c9d16gxm

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Usually my RAM usage is about 7-9GB so I will probably be going for a 16GB since my pc is already getting slower at ~9Gb while theres 3Gb more free. Could you recommend any? This one maybe?:http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gskill-memory-f31866c9d16gxm


I always aim for the shortest RAM possible, I owned the Hyper 212 Evo and there were clearance issues with that RAM you just linked ;P So I always pick the ones with smaller heatsinks to ensure it's all compatible.

Heatsinks on RAM don't really do anything, so you needn't worry about that, RAM just doesn't get hot.

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I always aim for the shortest RAM possible, I owned the Hyper 212 Evo and there were clearance issues with that RAM you just linked ;P So I always pick the ones with smaller heatsinks to ensure it's all compatible.

Heatsinks on RAM don't really do anything, so you needn't worry about that, RAM just doesn't get hot.


Haha alright man, everythings looking good, big thanks!

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  • 1 month later...

Budget: 1500$

Intended use: 13-15" Laptop, overall good performance with good battery life and must be able to handle heavy media editing.

Moderate games will be played (gaming no priority), 12GB RAM +, laptop must look sexy as fuck so no Apple shit.

Late reply due to college coursework.


That is a great laptop considering the specs and form factor, I also wanted to make sure that it had an SSD, as someone who recently got one, it's a great addition for performance.


Though this is a given, heavy media editing will drastically reduce the batteries charge.

Looks are pretty subjective, though I definitely think that laptop looks sleek.

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