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Live Support, Offical help chat.


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Hello, Well I've managed live support and help desks before on other sites such as Virtual Advantage, I would suggest that you add a feature for this and have mods that assist people with their client bugs and other issues. This would be an amazing feature to have and i personally think it would make OsBot expand a great deal due to it having the best player support out there, currently i don't think any bot sites have this feature. It could also make other fun challenges like mod of the month Etc...



Thoughts, If this is taken serious by an admin i will go into further detail about a good system.




Referring to the assistant rank (Found in suggestions here) (http://osbot.org/forum/topic/5599-assistant-rank/)


This would also be a nice feature, the helpers in live support would be given assistant rank over mod, they would have basic commands like close threads Etc, so they would be able to clear up the help section.

Edited by bayeasy
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This sounds great.

However, there is already a section for help. 


yes i know, the live support chat would go alot faster and i believe it would help grow OsBot, also the help section sometimes takes awhile for a response and sometimes it doesn't even work this feature would be live support, it would be much faster and more efficient

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I feel the forum for help is enough as its responded to pretty quick. I feel there wouldn't be people on to assist 24/7 and then it would cause an uproar with people not getting help creating threads like "omgosh no1 in the help chat wdf" I feel the help forum is enough as people help a lot + they know when they post it could be a while before they get help. 

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Live Support will also reduce help threads but cause Kati to promote more staff to manage the Live Support 24/7 a day, which is also a a disadvantage but overall I do support this.


Yes this is true, but the player support staff wouldn't have much power and if they worked hard if they were high quality feedback they would be promoted, thats how i would do it if i were in charge. thanks for supporting

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well they cray and clearly dont want to make $$

Lol lets do this simply

People who pay Own "Stocks" and these stocks owned by my fellow VIP and Sponsors have a right to ask the Admins and suggest ideas,

they do Liston to us most of the time because we are the "Stock holders"

but i do agree this would be a hassle and this would in no way shape or form make them or cost them any money, people will post and the community will help them, Leave it at that

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