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36 minutes ago, Khaleesi said:

Maybe 1 year ago, all I find out id that is eats your RAM and run a lot less smooth then it should .. :/

Idk, honestly it feels safer using mirror mode idk why, I got banned so many times using stealth injection now when Im using mirror mode, i've successfully botted account to 1500+ total. Kinda scared to use stealth injection again idk why it freezes when I use your script only :/ 

P.S aslo did read that RAM can cause those problems, but I got 16GB atm and im literally using only 40% of ram running 2 clients.

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4 minutes ago, Sedrake said:

Idk, honestly it feels safer using mirror mode idk why, I got banned so many times using stealth injection now when Im using mirror mode, i've successfully botted account to 1500+ total. Kinda scared to use stealth injection again idk why it freezes when I use your script only :/ 

P.S aslo did read that RAM can cause those problems, but I got 16GB atm and im literally using only 40% of ram running 2 clients.

It freezes bcs the client ran out of memory, probably due to the webwalker taking a lot aswell.
You can manually increase this by starrting it from the command line

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15 hours ago, Sedrake said:

Any guideline how to do it? Would really appreciate it

use the -mem flag to set the memory.

java -jar "Osbot.jar" -mem 2048

Should be something like that or add me on skype: Khaleesi.bot

13 hours ago, bootyslayer said:

Trial :) ?


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On 3/29/2017 at 11:45 AM, shittymalldope said:

How's the banrate looking for this? Looking to use it on a main a few hours a day while babysitting it from work. Anyone manage 90+ with it? Definitely interested in a trial in any case.

Same i'm always wondering the same thing.. Always looking for some feedback. RC is such a hot ban, unless you got a private script or a new one

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