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Khal AIO RuneCrafter


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Bug report Template:
- Mirror or regular client? Mirror
- Running abyss or normal altars? Normal
- What is your setup? (Food, teleport method, obstacles used, pouches used, all you know the better)

Astral altar overshoots the altar the pathing isn't that good very bot-like.
- Printscreen with the Osbot console enabled and script paint when getting stuck.

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Bug report Template:

- Mirror or regular client? Mirror

- Running abyss or normal altars? Abyss

- What is your setup? (Food, teleport method, obstacles used, pouches used, all you know the better)

all default obstacles pickaxe agile, walk through thieving,

glory telly method,


large medium small

all it says on the screen is "Rotating camera" then it sits there no error message nothing

- Printscreen with the Osbot console enabled and script paint when getting stuck.

NTY sorry no obvious errors and only error is rotating camera


Thats why I ask a printscreen right... a printscreen is 90% of a bug report ... -_-

Plese read your report again and you tell me how usefull it is towards me ;)

everytrip with lavas it'll bank the ring of duelling no matter how many charges it has left. really bot like.

I'll take a look at that, shouldn't be happening.


Bug report Template:

- Mirror or regular client? Mirror

- Running abyss or normal altars? Normal

- What is your setup? (Food, teleport method, obstacles used, pouches used, all you know the better)

Astral altar overshoots the altar the pathing isn't that good very bot-like.

- Printscreen with the Osbot console enabled and script paint when getting stuck.


What you mean with overshoots? The pathing is randomly generated between the altar and the bank so it's not bot like at all ...

So you prefer a script that clicks the same tiles over and over so its a 100% perfect path and you'll get banned within 10 min?


Casual stuff:

I make the path perfect -> people complain it's too good 

I make the path randomly -> people complain it's too random ...



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Max 1 hour per day for 3 days and you were perm banned? somehow I find that hard to believe


believe me or not, i got banned that account, it was like 40 att, def and str, 50 mining, 50rc and 30 agi. i did agility manually. after the skills were done i tried to bot afking natures but the bot made like 400 nats then die for standing in the middle of the abyss not finding a spot to cross, died like 5 times and botted maxium (including deathwalks made for me) 2 hours a day for 3 days

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Khal, sorry for my incomplete response i was in a bit of a rush,

first off.

Your Astral script is close to perfect, it has a few banking issues every now and then, for instance it opens and closes the bank twice or maybe three times in succession? not entirely sure why, it does this randomly every 15 trips or so. this is inbetween the step of filling pouches so it'll fill the pouches open bank then immediately close without drawing anymore pure essence. Also what i meant by the pathing, is it will sometimes wall past the astral altar all the way to the edge of the land and then double back towards the altar. maybe once every 10 trips, this is the most notable "bot-like" issue it has. I have to say the Astral script is the most consistent out of the 3 methods i tried, averaging ~17k xp/hr


Your Lava running script, not entirely sure what is the issue, but when it walks into the fire altar to craft the runes it'll run around the room very bot like, I am willing to record a video and upload to youtube and PM you the private link if you would like in order to better troubleshoot the problem. I only get around ~12k at max running lava runes because of all of the bugs.


Your Nature running script, as others has stated it has issues finding obstacles to navigate within the abyss. it will stand in the center of the abyss where you land when teleporting sometimes (not all the time it seems to be random), and sit there until I manually navigate it to the obstacle then it'll continue the script from there.


EDIT: Also in your Astral script whenever you start it while wielding a staff of earth it'll still open up bank withdraw one, and then derp like "oh you already have one on" then bank the one it withdrawn, also quite bot like but only once per script start so not so bad.

Also idk if there is a check if you have random items in your inventory but for some reason i keep ending up with random items in my inventory from my bank while runecrafting Astrals

Edited by Angelsblood
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Khal, sorry for my incomplete response i was in a bit of a rush,

first off.

Your Astral script is close to perfect, it has a few banking issues every now and then, for instance it opens and closes the bank twice or maybe three times in succession? not entirely sure why, it does this randomly every 15 trips or so. this is inbetween the step of filling pouches so it'll fill the pouches open bank then immediately close without drawing anymore pure essence. Also what i meant by the pathing, is it will sometimes wall past the astral altar all the way to the edge of the land and then double back towards the altar. maybe once every 10 trips, this is the most notable "bot-like" issue it has. I have to say the Astral script is the most consistent out of the 3 methods i tried, averaging ~17k xp/hr


Your Lava running script, not entirely sure what is the issue, but when it walks into the fire altar to craft the runes it'll run around the room very bot like, I am willing to record a video and upload to youtube and PM you the private link if you would like in order to better troubleshoot the problem. I only get around ~12k at max running lava runes because of all of the bugs.


Your Nature running script, as others has stated it has issues finding obstacles to navigate within the abyss. it will stand in the center of the abyss where you land when teleporting sometimes (not all the time it seems to be random), and sit there until I manually navigate it to the obstacle then it'll continue the script from there.


EDIT: Also in your Astral script whenever you start it while wielding a staff of earth it'll still open up bank withdraw one, and then derp like "oh you already have one on" then bank the one it withdrawn, also quite bot like but only once per script start so not so bad.

Also idk if there is a check if you have random items in your inventory but for some reason i keep ending up with random items in my inventory from my bank while runecrafting Astrals

First of all, if you are using mirror you can expect soem issue with the walking part. At the moment there is a bug inside the mirror which causes scripts to walk past stuff and will get lost or need to walk back :s


A few scripters approved the bug and it was reported to the devs.


1) I can take a look at the banking ... strange issue though

2) Pretty sure this is the issue I explained above, I'll take a look what I can do solve this.

3) Abyss is having the same issue as above, sometimes it loads a path "out of abyss" ... ya it genrated a path to walk through walls out of abyss, because the objects got loaded at wrong positions sleep.png

I planned a rework of abyss anyway this weekend, so I hope I can make it work around that ^^


4) Well that's even more awkward ... I'm just checking if the players has any staff equipped which has earth runes.

So I have no idea why this happends, but I'll check the code again maybe I messed up something smile.png


Did you try running this on default cleint instead of the mirror? Pretty sure it will run atleast 50% better on default ^^



Edited by Khaleesi Scripts
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Bug report Template:
- Mirror or regular client? MIRROR
- Running abyss or normal altars? ABYSS
- What is your setup? (Food, teleport method, obstacles used, pouches used, all you know the better)
 - Shark's - Glory - Mining, Gap - small, medium, large.
- Printscreen with the Osbot console enabled and script paint when getting stuck.

it seems to be avoiding Gap's completely even when it enter's the abyss and there is 1 there, but like in the picture above it sometimes just stands there and gets hit for a few moments before realizing that the object is there. One time i entered with 30% run and it used to all just to run a whole circle to find a mine to pick :/

Also when the bot is "walking to the mage of zamorak" depending on the camera angle the bot will just run up and down untill the camera angle is moved so it can find the cross, it happens maybe once every 5 - 7 trips atm, seems to be a camera angle problem when facing towards edgevile bank.

i am also aware that ofc by using mirror you are expected to see some slight bugs too, i'm just noting the stuff i noticed while using ofc could be different using the client itself.


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Just came back after 1 hour of being afk and its been stuck like this https://gyazo.com/fa616ee737f07bb94514e317800b4d28, not sure how long its been doing this :/ 

Edit :attachicon.gif0f165e22811e1743b66e038e2a295628.png

When was it hovering over the nature runes? while trying to crate more runes?

Next time get me a screenshot of the client WITH the log. Only the log is pretty useless to me... Also folow the bug report template, it contains all info that's required for me to adress the issue pretty fast ^^


can i please have a trial?

Trial has been given, use the trial topic next time please :)


May I get a trial on this runecrafting script please? Thank you

Trial was given since you also posted in the trial topic ^^



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When was it hovering over the nature runes? while trying to crate more runes?

Next time get me a screenshot of the client WITH the log. Only the log is pretty useless to me... Also folow the bug report template, it contains all info that's required for me to adress the issue pretty fast ^^


Trial has been given, use the trial topic next time please smile.png


Trial was given since you also posted in the trial topic ^^



 sorry forgot :P and it was when it was banking

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