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Khal AIO RuneCrafter


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This is buggy/dysfunctional. I have pouches on, and it doesn't even grab them from the bank.


Then it also randomly logs out with this message..

[iNFO][bot #1][11/23 05:05:32 PM]: Random solver exited : BankPin Solver
[iNFO][bot #1][11/23 05:05:35 PM]: Ran out of Astral rune
[iNFO][bot #1][11/23 05:05:37 PM]: Terminating script Khal AIO Runecrafter V2...
[iNFO][bot #1][11/23 05:05:37 PM]: Successfully updated signature.
[iNFO][bot #1][11/23 05:05:37 PM]: Script Khal AIO Runecrafter V2 has exited!
[iNFO][bot #1][11/23 05:05:37 PM]: Bank is not open! Retry...
It grabs 2 air runes and logs out.



It works perfectly as intended smile.png


1) Start the script WITH pouches in your inventory.

2) If you have broken pouches you need luinar magics to repair them. (if you don't have lunars, they don't use pouches)


can i trial it ?

Have fun



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