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Rate previous poster avatar


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btw jams, umad i guess, in this topic u rate previous posters avatar not the posters thats far head from the previous, so yeh, u prolly mad lel. oh yea u have girl's avatar, means that u dont have a gf and life, all you have, is your computer world. true that, girls dont like nerdy boys like you.

10/10 yolo

REKT @Jams

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btw jams, umad i guess, in this topic u rate previous posters avatar not the posters thats far head from the previous, so yeh, u prolly mad lel. oh yea u have girl's avatar, means that u dont have a gf and life, all you have, is your computer world. true that, girls dont like nerdy boys like you.

10/10 yolo


Hypocrite , you also rate the other poster's avatar :facep:

And he probably likes girls , unlike you , you like anime.

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