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Khal AIO Agility


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Does this have support for seers tele?


If it does, can you issue me with a trial please. If it doesn't, do you think you would implement it any time soon?


I would istabuy a working seers tele agil bot.


P.s if the bot doesn't have seers teleport support, I'd like to save my trial for if you ever decide to implement it.

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Does this have support for seers tele?


If it does, can you issue me with a trial please. If it doesn't, do you think you would implement it any time soon?


I would istabuy a working seers tele agil bot.


P.s if the bot doesn't have seers teleport support, I'd like to save my trial for if you ever decide to implement it.


Sure does :D

You got a trial ^^

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Hey Khaleesi, love the name first of all...hope you're as excited for the new season next week as I am cool.png

But anyways, i'm trying to get rid of this mediocre free script i'm using for agil so i've been checking out some of the premium ones, mind tossing me a trial to test it out? I wouldn't mind posting a proggie at the end :)



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