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Khal AIO Agility


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Getting the weird mouse jiggle at Canafis tree too, sometimes it'll figure it out in a few seconds, other times it'll keep going until the script closes itself for taking too long. Otherwise everything else works great



Same thing as Wooza, on the Canifis course there is a consistant problem with finding the Climb Tree to begin the course. other than that it runs great

Can't do something about the jerking mouse as it is a client thing (.68 and onwards got the jerking mouse on most scripts), will take a look at the tree issue.


On the pollnivneach rooftop course it frequently gets stuck on the staircase next to the start of the course http://gyazo.com/5cf11c088168b40758b87c58606389eb. Haven't experienced a problem with this script as damaging as this one


Are you lagging? I ran this myself a few days ago and it was flawless. Misclicks happen a lot when you're lagging because the mouse has moved to the correct spot (on your screen) but in-game it still hasnt reached that point yet, if that makes sense. Try shutting down all your other stuff and get back to me. Otherwise I'll have to add a failsafe for that staircase too. :)

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Can't do something about the jerking mouse as it is a client thing (.68 and onwards got the jerking mouse on most scripts), will take a look at the tree issue.



Are you lagging? I ran this myself a few days ago and it was flawless. Misclicks happen a lot when you're lagging because the mouse has moved to the correct spot (on your screen) but in-game it still hasnt reached that point yet, if that makes sense. Try shutting down all your other stuff and get back to me. Otherwise I'll have to add a failsafe for that staircase too. smile.png


Pretty sure its not lag, I did it last night for 9 hours straight babysitting it while watching tv with nothing else on

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Pretty sure its not lag, I did it last night for 9 hours straight babysitting it while watching tv with nothing else on

It is because the lagg, it's cause by the mirror.


Script updated to V0.25:

- Fixed tree at canafis

- Added failsafe for polly course, will walk down staircase :)




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having issues with mirror mode and seers just starting the very first climb the wall. It'll stand here for 3-5 minutes just like this looking for it sad.png

no other problems to 60+ agility.

doesn't always happen but when the camera is facing this way it will do it everytime.


Can you get me this with console and paint enabled?

Can't really make up anything out of this :s



Make sure to hide the roofs while doing rooftops smile.png



Edited by Khaleesi
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