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APA Rock Crabs


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Hey APA, love this script. After this update today, (like past hour) the script will not hop worlds. It cursors down to the clan chat tab, and then sits idle. There is nothing in the script log that shows this, other than it saying "hopping worlds". I know it is because of the update because I was using it before, but just a heads up. Thanks for a quality script, it's gotten me to 93+ strength on two accounts. 

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  On 4/27/2017 at 11:08 AM, justind said:

Hey APA, love this script. After this update today, (like past hour) the script will not hop worlds. It cursors down to the clan chat tab, and then sits idle. There is nothing in the script log that shows this, other than it saying "hopping worlds". I know it is because of the update because I was using it before, but just a heads up. Thanks for a quality script, it's gotten me to 93+ strength on two accounts. 


Hey :) Cheers for mentioning this. The script uses the in-built OSBot worldhopping code so if the issue is with this then it will most likely be fixed with an upcoming OSBot update. It is usual for things to not quite work right after updates for this reason!

For now i'd recommend finding a relatively quiet world and disabling worldhopping.



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Behind the scenes information post:

Heyo guys, I just thought I would just drop a quick post here. I'm currently in the process of a complete ground-up re-write of this script (I am doing this for most scripts in my collection at the moment).

What does this mean? Well. Firstly, the script will be much better structured - this means the script will run alot more consistently and efficiently and hopefully rogue bugs will be averted. Secondly, interfaces such as the paint and Gui will be re-designed. This will result in a more flexible and expandable gui and paint. The gui will also be resizeable to help those with 4k (or generally higher resolution) screens. Additionally, I plan to remove the requirement of image caching so startup should be faster, and OS file system related cache errors will be completely avoided. While this means the ui will be a little less pretty, and perhaps the paint too, it will prevent newer users running into issues with the script.

Rest assured that the functionality of the previous versions will be preserved in this version!

Below is a quick screenshot of my progress so far. I've got a basic self-generating paint in place, however plan to tweak the colours. The green overlay will not be there, it is just an assisting visual debug for me. The Gui will look similar to below and is resizeable with tab arrows :)


I will drop update posts over the next few days, I cannot give an ETA on the update but it will hopefully be soon!


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  On 5/9/2017 at 10:37 AM, Apaec said:

Unfortunately not at the moment, sorry about that! If you're looking for an afk mode crab killer, APA Sand Crabs might fulfil your criteria?




Thanks for the reply, I need something for my pure, is it possible to add some sort of afking for rock crabs even if it's not waterbirth? ( I already have your rock crabs script)


BTW the sand crabs script looks great, I'll definitely purchase it in the near future once I make a main.

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