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Change the limiting PM's


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Someone read the first post/ what my threads about instead of saying buy a rank or nonsense like that. I didnt ask for a bigger inbox.... I asked to stop limiting PM. It wont let me send more than 1 pm to more than one person until like 2-3 hours pass...

Your clearly missing the point, RANK = Send as many pm' stop whichever Tom Dick and Harry you want. It's implemented to stop people from creating new accounts and just spamming links.

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Oh, thought you meant PM box.

Anyways, no can do.

It was added for a reason :)

Thats not fair to be limiting others.... make a secret user group or something so it can be given to those who are trusted and have 100+ feedback so we dont have the limit its not fair to make me only allowed to send 1 pm ever 3 freaking hours....

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Your clearly missing the point, RANK = Send as many pm' stop whichever Tom Dick and Harry you want. It's implemented to stop people from creating new accounts and just spamming links.

Look thats cool and all that but dont be limiting people who are trusted and have over 100+ feedback and nit allow us to send more than 1 pm every 3 hours that's complete and utter nonsense...

They can easily make it so those who have been registered longer to send pms withouth waiting 3 hours or there is a solution to i

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Look thats cool and all that but dont be limiting people who are trusted and have over 100+ feedback and nit allow us to send more than 1 pm every 3 hours that's complete and utter nonsense...

They can easily make it so those who have been registered longer to send pms withouth waiting 3 hours or there is a solution to i

Feedback doesn't really depict your loyalty... The past is clear cut evidence.

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There is no way to distinguish rule followers & phishing attempts if neither of them have a rank.

Ever since the limit was added, we've had no issues with phishing attempts via PM, so we'll be keeping it that way.

Make secret user group or something and has no pip or no rank etc but allows u to send more than 1 pm every 3 hours thats complete bs man.....

How many people with 100+ feedback have ever tried phishing anyone? No one....

Limiting me to only send one pm every 3 hours is nonsense and unfair

Feedback doesn't really depict your loyalty... The past is clear cut evidence.

Show me evidence of someone with 100+ feedback phishing someone on this site? Let alone 270+ fb..... o wait no one exists


Is there not a way to filter if you're an older member you are allowed to send more than 1 pm every 3 hours?

If not its possible to make a hidden user group to be given to certain people with 100+ feedback and have been a long time registered member to allow them to send more than 1 pm every 3 hours?? The rank would involve no pip or anything and etx

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Make secret user group or something and has no pip or no rank etc but allows u to send more than 1 pm every 3 hours thats complete bs man.....

How many people with 100+ feedback have ever tried phishing anyone? No one....

Limiting me to only send one pm every 3 hours is nonsense and unfair

Show me evidence of someone with 100+ feedback phishing someone on this site? Let alone 270+ fb..... o wait no one exists

Show me evidence of there never being a ranked/trusted ("100+") feedback person not scamming tens if not hundreds of users..... Likelihood of that is the same as you getting a rank. ^_^

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Show me evidence of there never being a ranked/trusted ("100+") feedback person not scamming tens if not hundreds of users..... Likelihood of that is the same as you getting a rank. ^_^

Wtf does someone scamming have to do with phising and PMs?.... get off my thread with your trolling

People would create new accs to spam and send out pishing links. Not people who have been on here forever and have tons of feedback...

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Wtf does someone scamming have to do with phising and PMs?.... get off my thread with your trolling

People would create new accs to spam and send out pishing links. Not people who have been on here forever and have tons of feedback...

No one is trolling here apart from you... This thread should be locked, it was implemented for a reason and hasn't caused any problems since apart from made the community safer.

Doesn't need further discussion.

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I just want to be able to send PMs like I normally have been like in the past.

This is no reason to limit users like me and scotty because kids wanted to make 1000+ accs to send out phishing looks.

Other bot sites dont have this. Instead what they diI is disable direct website linking over the forums if youre not vip so that way no would click the links and etc...

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Want to verify it's you talking to a user for a trade?

> Post on profile feed.


Bright ideas brought to you by @Arctic.


No not good because they can easily delete it and say u never posted and tried to scam or did scam them so horrible idea...


No one is trolling here apart from you... This thread should be locked, it was implemented for a reason and hasn't caused any problems since apart from made the community safer.

Doesn't need further discussion.

No it shouldnt be locked.i want to pm like I used to be able to in the past. Punishing others for what other people do wrong is unfair and unjust. Thats good that communitys safer but not fair to punish those who never sent out phishing links to begin with

This is why you add the other user's skype.


Thought of another bright idea, pm them and tell them to go to the chatbox, and then pm them in the chatbox.

I really prefer being able to pm someone with a copied and paste of our skype convo to prove its me.

Also any new user can come in chat and spam/pm everyone a phishing link yet im being limited to send 1 pm over the forums why?

Also the pm inbox is better because I can use it to show that I did pm someone to verify that it was me in trade with em or that they actually saw it and knew they trading with me

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