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OSBot 2.1.4-5 - Integrated anti-ban, optimized interactions, minor API changes


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Hello community,
I hereby present you with OSBot 2.1.4/5. OSBot 2.1.4/5 is a major milestone in terms of stability, human-like behavior, and performance.
In order to have optimized interactions on moving entities like NPCs or players, we had to implement various optimizations within the model callbacks and mouse movement destinations. The mouse now uses bounding boxes for moving entities, making the interactions more human-like (by allowing for over-shooting/missing) and also faster now. Bot-like 100% success-rate interactions have been eliminated in favor of more human-like trial and error behavior. The system was written by Maxi and optimized further by me.
Additionally an integrated anti-ban has been added to the bot which runs seamlessly on all scripts. At the moment it cannot be disabled except through the API within scripts. A feature to toggle certain behaviors on/off and to change their probabilities dynamically will be added to the bot soon!
Many minor bug-fixes which were not mentioned above were also fixed. For example script/random executor context switches are now much smoother and will no longer freeze. Additionally a few classes were repackaged within the API and some additions can be found.
OSBot 2.1.4/5 behaves more human-like now but CPU usage may or may have not increased slightly from previous builds. We are still optimizing our new interaction systems! 
LINK (v2.1.5): http://osbot.org/osbot2_beta/OSBot-packed-2.1.5.jar
API JavaDocs: http://osbot.org/osbot2_api/
API JavaDocs (.zip): http://osbot.org/osbot2_api/Docs.zip
the OSBot Team.



OSBot 2.1.5 has been pushed as a hotfix for a major bug. Regardless, the build features experimental features which have not been extensively tested... Good luck smile.png

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