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OSBot 2.0.16 BETA! (First PUBLIC release)


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Hello community, due to the lack of bug reports for OSBot 2 and the lack of scripts being developed for it. I've decided to release OSBot 2.0.16 which contains many added random solvers and bug-fixes. OSBot 2 can now be used by anyone just like OSBot 1! Also many OSBot 1 scripts are compatible with OSBot 2.


There are still some bugs present in OSBot 2 as well as some unfinished random solvers (not that many). The more bug reports that I get for OSBot 2, the faster this community can start using a more advance bot and lower ban rates.


JavaDocs (for scripters): http://osbot.org/osbot2_api

JavaDocs (for scripters) (.zip download): http://osbot.org/osbot2_api/Docs.zip


OSBot 2.0.16 (.jar): http://osbot.org/osbot2_beta/OSBot-packed-2.0.16.jar




Laz and the OSBot Team. 


NOTE: All script developers should be testing their OSBot 1 scripts periodically with OSBot 2. OSBot 1 will not be supported for long!

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Holy shit, this is awesome, does this work with proxies?


Anyone know what randoms aren't working?


If its not in this list, it definitely doesn't work. Note, not all of these may be working fully!




edit: kind of a weird bug but moving the bot client from one of my monitors to the other always freezes it literally right in the middle of the two screens. its a complete freeze and becomes unresponsive. 

Try updating your java. I'll look into this tomorrow with my spare monitor.

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