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BGC's School Of GoldFarming!

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Hello guys and welcome to my GoldFarming School!




What is BGC’s GoldFarming School?


Well, I got a very rich experience in goldfarming. I started to goldfarm 07 about 10 month ago, and since then I learned so much about goldfarming and I would like to share it with you. Why you should even take my advice me? Because at some point I managed to make up to 40M 07 a day with my goldfarm, and already sold over 2500M 07 (about 1B to BwasZ only :P, before I got reputable enough), all made by goldfarming.

In my school I will provide you with the most recent tools & tips, and i will teach you how to setup your own pro goldfarm and start make some big money!


What do I need before I start? (All of the examples are given for a 5 accounts farm)


Before you start you will need these:


- Osbot VIP/Sponsor account in order to run multple accounts.


- A computer/or computers (I use up to 3, depends on my mood :P ) VPS are good option If you don’t have a good computer or you         want to run more accounts. (I prefer windows of course)


- 5 bonds and 5 accounts (could be fresh accounts, depends on your method).


- A script with A nice method for making money (for minimum preparation work and maximum profit, I’d suggest a ~100k/H method.


- A proxy server for each of the accounts. (how do I get them? Look at the end of the post)


Hold on! Why do I need these proxies thing? What are these? and how do I make them work?


Well, it’s quite simple…

Proxies are servers with a unique IP address that you tunnel your client’s data through, in order to get a new or a different IP address. By purchasing this for each one of your accounts, you provide them with different IP’s and avoid massive chain IP bans. Proxies can also cover up for flagged VPS or home IP addresses. you CAN get banned when using a proxy, it just protects you from chain bans, and flagged IP addresses! Watch out! Many proxy providers are selling flagged/shared proxies which will get your accounts banned in no time! Make sure to purchase a fresh virgin untouched private proxies! (Like I sell, you can ask my customers :P)

In order to make the proxies work with Osbot (which still doesn’t have a proxy support) , you will need a proxy tunneling software (the best one I know is “super socks5cap” and you can download it from Cnet with a 30 days free trial*). This software actually does all the work, and tunnels your client’s data to the proxies.


Ok ok got it, now what? I wanna start making moooney!


Sure thing, So start the botting! There are a few very important things you should keep in mind:


-  Breaks! You have to use a very long, human-like breaks. It just doesn’t look good when you play 60 min and break for 15 min, what        player actually does that? My suggestion is to use a 300 min running on a 120 min break. (120 is a lot? Think about the time you will      put into creating new accounts when you get banned! ;))


-  Changing methods! It is very suggested to change botting method every 48-72 hours. Why? I don’t know exactly, but when I do that i      get a very low ban rate!


-  Bot new things! Always give a try to the new bots coming out, new methods are the big money! Do your best before the market is            crushing.


-  Make sure to collect the bots profits every 24 hours to a "bank account". could be any account that you will never bot on and will            never login with the IP addresses you bot on (mains are the safest!)   



i hope you will enjoy this information just like i do.

this was the free version of what im willing to teach.


Further Support and information will be given to my customers! you can visit my shops and add my skype (RSGPS07) for anything you need!

Proxies - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/40857-bgcs-new-proxy-shop-now-open/?p=457595

Super socks5cap (cheaper then the website! im an authorized reseller!) - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/42222-bgcs-proxies-software-shop/



Thank you and have a happy botting! :)



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