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Very Unreliable Scripters


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Nothing has to change in regards to scripts themselves. I can only recommend a java oriented application similar to the OSD application where you literally fill out a test(Which is changed every day to prevent any cheating or whatnot) or simply hire someone to conduct interviews via Skype to see whether the person knows what they're doing or not.


If accepted the user is given their Git account to use and is allowed to submit any SDN requests.


As far as keeping updated like said above, you shouldn't underestimate the amount of work scripters have to put in. Half the time we're tackling ways how to prevent client-issues rather than on the script itself and if you think most scripters do it for the money I can assure you only 10-20 % actually make decent money out of them.


Just read the threads prior to purchase, see how frequently the writer is updating his script/bugs. See what kind of person the writer is and so on and so forth. That isn't the best method but you can clearly avoid a few bad scripts here and there.

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This is the exact reason why OSBot scripts are so bad. Scripting has a direct correlation to programming. Also, you can't create a flawless script for 2 reasaons: 1.) OSBot's api doesn't allow for flawlessness 2.) RuneScape is shit. Your opinion is wrong as fuck, if code is shitty then yes it might "work", but it's going to be horribly executed. The fact that you say someone doesn't need knowledge about OOP, Java, or basic problem solving for that matter (which is what programming is) to sell their code is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard said.

you are ignorant.  There are at least 10 scripts i can think of that are completely flawless here.  if the scripts here are so bad, the door is right there in the form of your browsers X button and you are free to leave and never return.  

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First of all well done to Sigma for having the maturity to post a PM(Private/Personal message) on a public thread. That just shows exactly who you are. Second, please. PLEASE. Please, do write some scripts and teach us how to do it properly.


I'm not going to be ego-centric and say "I can script like pro" cause that's a flat out lie and I will put my head down, with all my humbleness say you're better than me but what point are you trying to direct at us? That you're better than us? Great. Thank God for that so please, post a tutorial. Help newbies, check out some code and tell people what they could improve on.


Instead of using your knowledge to bash others, use your knowledge to help others. I can name a handful of scripters who know shit but then again I can name 10+ people who truly know their shit in Java and scripting. NEVER ever have they bashed me when I asked for their help, Pandemic, Swizz & Notorious spent countless hours teaching me and till today still are


Also I'd rather be an OSBot scripter with a sense of humbleness who's willing to learn than a twat 3bot scripter like this UltraScripts guy cause in the end of the day, your ego is going to leave you scripting on a century old game thinking you're pro whilst my humbleness is going to let me program for big companies


If you think you're better than us, please go ahead and prove it. Otherwise keep your mouth shut

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This is the exact reason why OSBot scripts are so bad. Scripting has a direct correlation to programming. Also, you can't create a flawless script for 2 reasaons: 1.) OSBot's api doesn't allow for flawlessness 2.) RuneScape is shit. Your opinion is wrong as fuck, if code is shitty then yes it might "work", but it's going to be horribly executed. The fact that you say someone doesn't need knowledge about OOP, Java, or basic problem solving for that matter (which is what programming is) to sell their code is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard said.

Have you ever even used OSBot's API? People love to bash on it but I don't see them posting any reasons why it's terrible. If a certain method isn't working then make your own, it's very easy with the generic methods such as grabbing the items in your inventory, getting the mouse destination of a game entity, etc.

Also, how does RuneScapes code pertain to any of this? You sound like a very intelligent kid, and if I remember correctly you've posted some brilliant code on these forums, but posts like these destroy your credability and make you look like a child. There's no reason to use derogatory language to try to make yourself sound cool considering most of the people on this thread are just trying to have a discussion.

Oh and at anyone who says * is better, it's not. I've used their API and it's just as bad.

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lifeteam is of the script not the script writer. If I were to put a lifetime script up today and 100 people bought then I removed it yesterday I would have done nothing wrong and wouldn't have had to give refunds because those 100 people had the script for its lifetime.

idk where u are getting your info from...? If you did this have your script immediately removed from SDN and you would more than likely be banned from osbot for SCAMMIN' the newbs that actually bought your first script before it was tested.


Anyways 1 time fee should guarantee that after "YOU" purchase a script it will run at least 1 month. 


I don't care if the scripter gets hit by a bus 25 days after the purchase on a Thursday morning (right after rs updates).  If the script isn't fully functional within the month the buyer deserves a refund.  most of these 1 time payments are promised to be "lifetime" which shouldn't even be allowed because that's clearly false advertisement, none of these scripters will fix there scripts 10 years down the line. 


All i gotta say to buyers is be careful which scripts you buy.  And all i gotta say to scripters is if you are releasing a script and not planning on updating don't expect to be a SDN scripter for more than a week and you'r scripts will be removed.


Suggestion*** - New scripters should have some sort of tab, and until they prove they are not going to just quit on there scripts they don't receive pay.  This will prevent people from releasing scripts for the first time, and quitting within the month.  Essentially scamming a group of people and getting away with it should not be tolerated. 

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Probably gonna come off as a cunt but,


Instead of just complaining about how trash the scripts/scripters are, why don't you go and make one?


Seriously, all you're doing is bashing on the scripters, why not go and show them how it's done.


Make a couple scripts, make sure they are updated constantly, then have to put up with people constantly complaining about it/not knowing how to use it ect...


Balance that with a social life/work/school ect, which i'm positive a lot of the scripters here have to do, and it doesn't seem easy...

I'm not allowed to do that in my current position. If you want to head over to another botting site you'll see that I've done just that.

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I've had this discussion before and I will open it again.


I believe that osbot should lean more towards No advertising´s method regarding scripters. I think it would be best if only one premium script per method should be allowed to be on sale, this way scripters have to be competitive with their scripts to get a place in the sdn and this way there won´t be confusion as to what you should buy because there is only one script for whatever you want. This script will be good because it has outperformed the other scripts of the same method.


Now some people asked me to be more specific because they didn´t fully understood me exactly so I am going to give an example.


Let´s say some guy released a Shark fishing script, if I want to release my shark fishing script then I would have to prove that mine is better than his. I could on the otherhand still release a salmon fishing script or an AIO fishing script that holds a shark fishin method. But two script which do exactly the same aren´t allowed.

(the shark fishing script should also prove to have better shark fishing methods than the shark fishing included in the AIO fisher provides, otherwise it will also be taken off).


This way there won´t be two abyss script which causes confusion to the customers. No one is required to do background research on which script to buy which can save a lot of time.

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I'm not allowed to prove I'm better than you by writing scripts, however I'd be happy to make a tutorial for people. Also, I have posted on other tutorials telling them what's wrong with them, and how to improve. That aside, I've seen the code of the people on this site (the "reputable" members) and it makes me want to smash my face through a 10 foot block of concrete. Stop trying to defend people when you have no idea what you're talking about.


Ok, let me point out some things for you since you're so concerned with the specifics:

class Animable isn't javadoc'd and there is a field that should be protected that isn't.


class Area is poorly doc'd, no explanation on how to construct the object with Points or Positions -- getMax methods only work when you construct an area with four ints (lol) -- No explanation for how the add method works when passing in an Area


class AreaDestintion has no javadocs


class Bank contains methods such as depositAll which serve the same function as depositAllExcept -- useless methods such as deposit1 (this is the most basic concept in java, parameters are your friend) -- selectInventoryOption should be handled by interacting with the Item directly, not through the Bank class -- scrollToSlot should be expanded to scroll to an Item or id or name, not just a slot (instead of having to get the virtual position, it should be done for you)


abstract class Character -- many methods again fail to be doc'd -- methods are incorrectly made (in example one of the overridden interact methods has a parameter called "noun") 


class Client has tons of methods that should not be accessible -- most methods in relation to the mouse and camera should be in different classes -- It's actually laughable at how many methods are in this class that have nothing to do with the internal function of the actual Client itself


class Combat -- the only use for this class is special attacks, why does it even exist?


class Model -- has no javadoc's -- is ambiguous


I could go on, but I really don't have the time to do that. more than 50% of the API is ambiguous and it's very unclear to new people (and possible more experienced users) on how to use most of it. On top of this, I saw your pathetic posts in the scripting help section on * and it was hilarious. You obviously have no idea what you're doing. <ref> You couldn't use the simplest of classes. You create a class called Node which is just a clone of p****bot's old framework; not to mention Node is incorrect naming of that abstract class.The method 'validate' is named incorrectly as it validates nothing, it simply checks whether or not the execute method should be ran or not. You also create a method that's already in the API, but I guess you didn't bother to look at it because you thought it was bad. Please stop trying to defend this awfully written and poorly maintained client and the horrible scripters that write for it.

I have zero desire to write scripts for *, the only reason I did was because a friend needed it. Sorry I don't want to sit there and scan the API for every little tiny thing I need.


Why are you making it sound like I said OSBot's API documentation was terrible? The only thing I said was that people never provide reasons why it isn't up to their standards (which you just have thank you very much). It sounds as though you think you can do better, so why don't you?


Also, validate is a completely valid name for a method that validates something. English evidently isn't your first language:


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I bought toph slayer and then 1 days after he left and it broke but I couldn't get a refund because it wasn't broken... Eventually it will be broken and not usable

You never made a refund request.


Who is deleting all the fuckng comments



hate the censure on this bot

Stop ban evading, stop coming to the site and you won't have to worry about the things being hidden.

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Well fair enough to you. You seem to know your shit Sigma, so sorry for misjudging you happy.png. If so could you kindly post a tutorial for whatever you feel like and explain your ideas? If anything I could learn from them

Just from looking at your GUI's, you don't know how to use layout managers which you should be doing for something static like a script UI.


You add poor anti-ban to you scripts which believe it or not negatively effect your users. Here's why:

Traditional scripter implemented anti-ban looks something like this:

public static void antiBan() {
    switch(random int 0-100) {
        case 0:
            //wiggle mouse; break;
        case 20:
            //wiggle camera; break;
        case 60:
            //check xp;
        case 70:
        case 90:
            //examine object; break;

This forms a considerably easy to detect pattern. Now, this isn't so bad if only a few people are using your scripts, but lets say for the sake of this example you have 500 users running this script with this anti-ban. All 500 people will have the same pattern:


-wiggle mouse 1% of the time

-wiggle camera 2% of the time

-check xp 1% of the time

-examine object 1% of the time


As you can see, that hurts your users more than helping them.


None of your code is actually open source so I'm not able to comment on it.

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