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Just started LoL - Give me some tips.


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Dont give up, a game can turn around simply on one kill or turrent taken. Until the nexus is taken dont surrender

Fuck that theory. 

If the other teams Vayne is 40/2/90

Then you surrender. 



you would suck in cod or bf then :D

when you were like 12deaths and 2kills. you would leave match.

sikemike and others and me would just turn the table around and kill and win :)


man im stoned.

fuk dis.


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Whenever you find a new champion that you want to play, make sure you google "Champions name here build guide" 

I like mobafire guides, but solomid guides are good also. tongue.png


Occa, I'd like you to prove that you're a diamond. A lot of people say they are, but they really aren't. 

I'm friends with a lot of diamonds, I play with diamonds every day because of that. I've gotten a lot better but i'm stuck in my elo, not because the people in my elo are necessarily bad. But they aren't used to the diamond mechanics that I try to use.

Moral of what I'm saying... I got paired with people that aren't at my skill level because right when I got level 30. I went and did ranked, which was a huge mistake. I got put into silver because I threw games. (I was a noooooooooooooooooob back then)


I can't repeat this to my friends that just started playing league. Make sure when you get level 30, only play ranked when you feel you're ready. Or else you'll regret it. 


Pls diamond season 2, plat this season. 

fuckyoulol_zps0528cf99.pngNot diamond, but only pic of my highest elo I could find from season 2




Playing w/ dem pros in diamond elo season 2 np


Didn't want to brag but Basic asked me to :[


Eeeeeww you use Tristana. My friend always uses Tristana and I make fun of him for it :p

Oh and a tip for the kind sir who started this topic, don't tower dive.

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