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Customer Reviews: Was this review helpful?


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I have two proposals:

  1. Only allow people who have the script to click "Yes" or "No"
  2. Show all users that have click "Yes" or "No"

The reason for this is to prevent unnecessary people from falsely agreeing/disagreeing on a review. This is sort of how we prevent people that are not related to scams to post in the thread.

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I like this idea, support. I've seen alot of members one in particular spamming in the chat  to go click 'Yes' on a review.


It'd rule out alot of fake reviews.


LOL. Mate if a review is honest and truthful and gives a truly detailed explanation of whats flawless and what isn't then of course people will click yes on it. I don't spam nothing and my review for ATBundle was 1 stars and I got over 25+ people that said my review was helpful, then I changed it as they changed/improved their script mostly.

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That would be nice but it is not possible on the premium SDN.

The premium SDN runs on the IP.Nexus application, which doesn't support such options for costumor revieuws nor can the script be altered since it's encrypted.


So this won't happen since it is not possible, unless they replace the premium SDN as well just like they did with the free scripts SDN, however, that's easier said then done.

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That would be nice but it is not possible on the premium SDN.

The premium SDN runs on the IP.Nexus application, which doesn't support such options for costumor revieuws nor can the script be altered since it's encrypted.


So this won't happen since it is not possible, unless they replace the premium SDN as well just like they did with the free scripts SDN, however, that's easier said then done.




I also don't think it will happen :(

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That would be nice but it is not possible on the premium SDN.

The premium SDN runs on the IP.Nexus application, which doesn't support such options for costumor revieuws nor can the script be altered since it's encrypted.


So this won't happen since it is not possible, unless they replace the premium SDN as well just like they did with the free scripts SDN, however, that's easier said then done.

That's unfortunant to hear.


Suggestion has been closed as it's not possible to implement it.

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