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The person that infracts/warns/bans


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Hey guys!


On the store pages it says there are private forums for VIP / Sponsor ranks, but I can't find them?

Can anyone post or PM a link if they exist?



Also, it would be a little more fair if appeals were processed by someone OTHER than the person who issued the falsely given warning / infraction / ban.


I can not find them either, and the second part (highlighted in red) I totally agree with this.

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First question was answered and link was given, and is on the forums in view for vip/sponsor. Moved the suggestion to the correct section. Thanks.




I agree with you, unless it is an administrative infraction etc. IF it was a moderator. I agree another moderator, or admin should view it and review it.

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First question was answered and link was given, and is on the forums in view for vip/sponsor. Moved the suggestion to the correct section. Thanks.

I agree with you, unless it is an administrative infraction etc. IF it was a moderator. I agree another moderator, or admin should view it and review it.

So why did you edit my post? Stop doing that, unless I ask you to or when its actually needed.

Theres a search function that will only function if the keywords you just removed are in a post.

Please revert the title to 'Where is the vip forum?'. After that you can lock it or I will do it myself. :)

Edited by Gojira
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  • Administrator

So why did you edit my post? Stop doing that, unless I ask you to or when its actually needed.

Theres a search function that will only function if the keywords you just removed are in a post.

Please revert the title to 'Where is the vip forum?'. After that you can lock it or I will do it myself. smile.png



Moderators can't even view appeals for warns/infractions as we can't remove them. Administrators have to do it.



Therefore from now on every appeal will be handled by an admin

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