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Perfect Construction AIO


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Tysm! :D Can't wait for next Wacky Jacky script :D


New Update (v7.0)

- Added improved dialogue support for certain builds
- Bot now handles npc wandering off better, it will exit and re-enter house.
- Bot will now run to the build object if far away (while the servant brings planks)
- Bot will now remove the object while waiting for servant to come back

Update will automatically go live within few hours, glgl 🙏 

Next update will be Bell Pull calling and Servant Money bag support. I still highly recommend using Phials for banking because it's quicker :D

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Cool release. 

If you are supporting dungeon doors, the edge case where the butler can reappear behind the door while the door is being built must be considered. When player control is given back, the door is between the player and butler and the butler will be unable to be interacted with. Eagle's patch notes specifically mentions this.

"Mutes audio increase performance" 
Huh neat. 


Edited by yfoo
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Beast, added to main thread ty fren 🙏


New Update (v9.0)

- Added Gnome benches
- Added fix for phials un-noting bagged plants
- Patched overlay not showing for some users
- Added feature to get mythical cape from bank if doing myth cape racks

Update will automatically go live within few hours, enjoy :D

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legend hope you get 99 con easy! :D


New Update (v10.0)

- Added Crystal saw support
-- Now patches the scenario during servant dialogue and phials too, works a lot better

Update will automatically go live within a few hours enjoy <3

Next update will most likely be bell pull + preparation mode to setup a room for the butler and to purchase a butler, and progressive butler upgrading so we can get demon butler without stopping the bot. I have a big list of new features coming to this bot :D 

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