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Khal Scurrius Rat King


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super dope script however a few questions

any reason when using a trident for the special i have tohave it as "(full)"but then it wont do it when i restart and say it cant find it unless i recharge it first. but trident of the seas for example wont be found if its full. when alching it only takes nature runes. 

ill get a bone staff to see if that changes things. unless i just want to increase my kc itll sit in my bot list vibing.pretty dpethough

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2 hours ago, Xtinkt said:

super dope script however a few questions

any reason when using a trident for the special i have tohave it as "(full)"but then it wont do it when i restart and say it cant find it unless i recharge it first. but trident of the seas for example wont be found if its full. when alching it only takes nature runes. 

ill get a bone staff to see if that changes things. unless i just want to increase my kc itll sit in my bot list vibing.pretty dpethough

Hello Sir!
Which trident? bcs I don;t have a trident added as spec weapon as far as I know.

Do you happen to have fire runes in your rune pouch?

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3 minutes ago, Xtinkt said:

so, he charged trident just casts it as normal. Not a switch to inv and & cast then reswitch.unless i miss understand. however i didnt have the rune pouch out figured it would withdraw nature and fire runes so im sorry.


trident of the seas

ohhhh! Now I get what you mean. Ya I cache the players weapon onstart thats equipped, so I know to what it has to switch back after a spec.
It should always take fires and nature though, never seen ti skip any of it :/ still having this issue?


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16 hours ago, Xtinkt said:

yeah trying to green log; when banking for some reason ive never noticed this it comes to the bank a tile away and says "walking closer" after the first trip. never makes it to the bank. switched to a whip for atk xp

Not sure what you mean by this, use the bone weapon. Every other weapon is worse in there :)

2 hours ago, DEVINITE said:

Hey, could I request a trial please?

No trials on this script 

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2 hours ago, keeptheFaith said:

@Khaleesifirst off awesome script. Just feels a little too good lol. It does mess up sometimes on prayer flicking? Just wondering not a complaint your scripts are all awesome

It can sometimes miss a tick in a flick I believe instead of leaving it on, but that should be it, mainly melee after the rat eats.
Also applies when fighting it with melee though

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