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Khal AIO Shop Buyer


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15 hours ago, JoshT said:

Can u update for buying feather packs, currently it buys the packs then waits to hop i think it should buy the packs and then open them and then rebuy them without hopping if stocks replenished

It only hops when the shop is out of stock, that's the only condition :)
has nothing to do with opening packs or whatever

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/18/2025 at 1:16 PM, zwxxxz said:

got it also would it be possible to have option at shops to only buy 1 of an item wait for it to restock buy 1 repeat instead of hoping worlds after buying 1 item from shop?

You can already do that, you can choose what action to use when you add the item :)

It's not possible to wait though as it will alays hop by default

15 hours ago, 5upreme said:

Anyone having issue with coal bag and Ordan ore shop, coal bags works first run or script, as soon as it hops worlds its just not buying coal, adding to bag, its just buying coal and running bank, even tried it with mixed, so coal and iron, and getting same results 


Checking it out, will keep you updated

EDIT: Been testing it for a while and it's working just fine here, hopping and filling the coal bag just fine
when inventory is full it fill the coal bag and buys more until inventory is full again before it starts banking.
I would not recommend runing it mixed as it's hard to kepe track of coal and other ores. Use only Coal or only iron ore

Restart your cleint and try running it again, make sure to check the coal bag option

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8 hours ago, 5upreme said:

ive tried it a few times and it seem to be hit and miss, ill look at restarting again, it did use to work flawlessly just seem to be having. issue atm, ill see if I can change some settings or something , did try it just coal as well but will re try, thanks 

Well hit and miss does not exist in programming xD It either works or it doesn't :D
Code doesn't live it's own live though 😉

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6 hours ago, 5upreme said:

well It gets the bank and freeze, then carry on running but not using the coal bag, so I would say that is hit and miss and having to restart, so ill go with it doesn't work, which is annoying as it used to and the other scripts of your are running fine. ill record it



Well i tried every option possible and it's working fine here, please provide me your setup and screenshots when it's stuck at the bank for you so I can see what's going on.
That way I can have a better look what's going on, you can always hit me up on discord! Link is on the first post of this topic <3

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