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Khal AIO Hunter


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I am a bit confused of the script, it was randomly doing Red Salamanders like it was directed, I left. I came back and it was randomly in another place across the map at a bank trying to open it but locked it out.

I am assuming it took a break while traps were down, causing for the traps to despawn and expire then went back to the bank to get more ropes and nets to continue it's job. Is there any chance there can be a setting for it to actually pick up it's tools before logging off mid session? 

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4 hours ago, dwaslet said:

I am a bit confused of the script, it was randomly doing Red Salamanders like it was directed, I left. I came back and it was randomly in another place across the map at a bank trying to open it but locked it out.

I am assuming it took a break while traps were down, causing for the traps to despawn and expire then went back to the bank to get more ropes and nets to continue it's job. Is there any chance there can be a setting for it to actually pick up it's tools before logging off mid session? 

It picks up the traps when it breaks, it doesn't leave any behind, it also picks up ropes and nets from the ground,
but if randomly dc or something it could result in losing items so make sure you have some spare in your bank :)

Edited by Khaleesi
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