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How can i use ids instead of string names


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I am trying to make a simple agility script for Faldor which has two consecutive "Jump Ledges" and the bot currently chooses the previous one as its the closest whern using


private String[] names = {"Rough wall", "Tightrope", "Hand holds", "Gap", "Gap", "Tightrope","Tightrope","Gap","Ledge","Ledge","Ledge","Ledge","Edge"};
//    private int[] names = {14898, 14899, 14901, 14903, 14904, 14905,14911,14919,14920,14921,14923,14924,149251};
    Entity previous;

    public void onStart() {

    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
        int starting = getExperienceTracker().getGainedXP(Skill.AGILITY);
        Entity nextObj = getObjects().closest(obj -> Arrays.asList(names).contains(obj.getName()) &&
                Arrays.asList(actions).contains(obj.getActions()[0]) &&
                (getMap().canReach(obj)) &&


I am trying to implement the array of ids and have tried


Entity nextObj = getObjects().closest(obj -> Arrays.asList(names).contains(obj.getId()) && Arrays.asList(actions).contains(obj.getActions()[0]) && (getMap().canReach(obj)) && !obj.equals(previous)); However it just creates nulls and breaks the script i was wondering how can i overcome this / the best way to achieve this.

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Ids, work exactly the same as names tbh, but that's most likely not going to solve your issue

Make like an Enum with an RooftopArea + Object name + position + action and use that instead :)
Add some area checks in there to know which roof you are on and which object to interact with so you can control what's going on.

Edited by Khaleesi
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On 8/11/2023 at 8:39 PM, Khaleesi said:

Ids, work exactly the same as names tbh, but that's most likely not going to solve your issue

Make like an Enum with an RooftopArea + Object name + position + action and use that instead :)
Add some area checks in there to know which roof you are on and which object to interact with so you can control what's going on.

Hi Thanks for the reply I actually managed to solve it by doing this getObjects().closest(obj -> Arrays.asList(ids).contains(Integer.toString(obj.getId())) and then making it an array of strings instead I'm not really sure why it wouldn't work with ints but there we go

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