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osbot breaks not working completely.


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13 hours ago, KingKai said:

i fill in the breaks and sometimes it just doesnt break.  i have 2 accounts on atm 1 started to break and the other wich was supposed to break just kept on fighting.

does it have problems when fighting ?

should i use breaks that are build in the scripts ?


Breaking is handled by the actual OSBot system. You can see exactly when the bot will break and for how long in the OSBot logger. If I recall correctly the values are randomly generated within a certain range so that your bots aren't all stopping and starting at the same time. It's also so your breaks aren't recorded for the same exact amount of time each time you log off. Your accounts will have the same amount of break time as you configured, they just won't break at the same time.

If you use built-in break handlers you may not see the break times in the logger unless the scripter developer included it.

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