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Returning player, forgot keybinds etc.


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Hey, haven't used OSBot in a long time.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on all the keybinds and/or other useful features in OSBot that you use frequently?
(Or link me a good thread that explains all of it, I couldn't find any stickies for it and Google results are giving me wrong/out of date info)

  • Start/Stop/Pause/Lock Mouse & KB etc..
  • Also I remember being able to change the "Reaction: XX ms." (mirror mode) with a hotkey.
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Hey welcome back :D 

Mirror reaction time has moved to the OSBot client sidebar, and is replaced with a slider from 0-500ms, the only hotkey that remains for mirror is the hide mirror text (shift-f2) and a cheeky green console screen (only mgi knows how to use this one :doge:) with the ` key

Aside from that, start/stop/pause/mouse/keyboard input is all controlled via the same buttons, so dw about those too much. Nowadays stealth is being used a lot, along with new mouse. Hardware mouse not so much, and pretty much nothing changed for years (why fix something if it ain't broke), client has had a lot of updates in terms of API too. 

Not sure if you joined pre-CLI though, some people are using command lines to start bots with parameters to save on time

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7 hours ago, Czar said:

Aside from that, start/stop/pause/mouse/keyboard input is all controlled via the same buttons, so dw about those too much.

Are there no hotkeys available for this, do you have to manually click the buttons on top of the client now? I've looked at old threads but keybinds from threads like this and this one are out of date now.

Having to manually move the mouse to the top of the client causes a lot of interferance with what the script is trying to do, causing the cursor to teleport all around the screen.

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