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Hey Everyone. So I was about to reply to a topic earlier on antiban methods, and it hit Me. The easiest way for Jagex to stay savvy on our methods and to patch them, is to spy on these forums. I think the better way to share secrets and tips is to contact the people You buy Your scripts off, or friends who You know and trust. Word of mouth spreads, We dont necessarily have to bleed all the info out into public forums. Sure we can help eachother with stuff like correcting errors etc, but for like true lowkey methods, I think we should try to keep them lowkey. Hope this makes sense & Hope everyone has an awesome 4th of Juliet weekend 8D

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6 hours ago, BigCahunaBurger said:

Violates forum TOS, jagex could get sued. Doesn't totally stop them but legally enforceable

would You say it violated p0w3rbots TOS when Jagex shut it down? Or would You say that other site didnt have the proper TOS rules in place? Or maybe they did something worse than just cheating to get taken down? Curious. Respect for responding with constructive points instead of tryna be a cute douchebag

6 hours ago, Muffins said:

i hope rehab goes well

ex staff. always the saltiest staff

Edited by CIeetZ
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